Chapter 51

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Matt's POV 

Finally, we could go home. Izzy was vomiting intermittently and the doctor had given her something to help with that.

"She's obviously had a reaction to morphine." He stated.

No shit.

We got her in a wheelchair and pushed her out. I brought my car out front.

"What are you doing Ma?" Izzy asked, sounding very sore and sorry for herself.

"I'll take your car and I'll stay with Chris."

Izzy nodded. I think that's all she was capable of.

I helped her into the car and buckled up her seat belt, kissing her forehead before turning to her mom.

"Don't leave her by herself Matt."

"I won't."

"I'm so worried about her." Her mom seemed upset.

"He won't get near her. I'll make sure of it."

"Good. I'm glad she has you." She seemed relieved.

"I'll take her home, she can sleep it off. I'll get her to call you."

She hugged me briefly and walked off.

I got in the car. Izzy had her head back and her eye's closed. I headed for home.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Terrible." That was all she said.

The rest of the trip was in silence and when we got home I helped her out of the car and inside.

"I feel horrible." She whispered.

"I know."

I took her into the bedroom and helped her get comfortable in bed.

"Sleep." I whispered, kissing her softly.

I layed with her until she was asleep then I headed to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and just stood there.

Fuck I was mad. How dare he lay a hand in her. On my Isabella. He had no right, absolutely none.

I slammed the fridge and walked back into the bedroom. Looking at her.

She was asleep but she had a frown on her face.

I layed down next to her, stroking her cheek. She opened her eye's and looked at me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes baby." I wasn't. I was pissed.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry Izzy, just rest."

She nodded, but I saw the tear that slid down her cheek.

"Pain?" I asked her.

"A little." She sighed, closing her eye's.

I kissed her softly and waited til she finally fell asleep again.

"I love you Bella." I murmured in her ear.

I got up, walked out and grabbed my car keys.

It was time I paid Isabella's father a visit.

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