Chapter 53

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Matt's POV 

I pulled up out the front of Izzy's parents house. I sat there looking at the house. The longer I looked, the angrier I got.
I got out and approached the front door. I took a deep breath and knocked.
It opened.
"Ahh Matt." He said.
Just the sight of him made me sick and I clenched my fists, I just wanted to smack him in the mouth.
"Why did you do it?"
"Do what exactly? What did that lying little bitch say I've done now."
Fuck. That was it.
I looked down at my feet because I couldn't stand the sight of him.
"You broke her arm."
He started laughing. It was a big loud laugh and now I was pretty close to losing my shit.
"Matthew." Cara said, popping up behind her father. "I'm so glad your here."
"I'm not here to see you." I snapped. "I'm here to see him."
"Why.....he broke Bella's fucking arm Cara."
She smiled at me. SHE FUCKING SMILED. "She probably deserved it."
Oh my fuck, was she serious?
"You bet she deserved it, that trouble making slut."
And right then was when I lost control. 
I pulled back and slammed my fist into his face.
Cara screamed, but I ignored her.
Once I'd started punching him I couldn't stop. I wanted to fucking kill him, I really did. He got in a few punches on me but I didn't feel a thing.
I really don't remember much. The only thing I really remember was being grabbed from behind and slammed onto the ground.
"Don't move." A stern voice said. "You're under arrest."
"We need an ambulance."
"Don't say a fucking word." I was told as the handcuffs were snapped into place.
I was thrown in the back of the police car and taken to the station. I was in deep shit. I was fingerprinted, photographed then sat in a cell to wait.
I had one call and I called Brian. I couldn't call Izzy, what would I say.
I saw the judge, he granted me bail and Brian drove me home. He was pissed. He yelled the whole way home. He was concerned about the band. I couldn't give a fuck about the band. He'd touched Izzy, he'd deserved everything he got.
I was glad to get home. Glad to get back to Izzy. But now, standing in front of her I wasn't so sure. She had a look on her face.
It was disappointment, it was dusgust.
I'd fucked up everything.

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