Chapter 50

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"Okay, so sit up for me Isabella." The doctor told me.

Matt helped me sit up on the edge of the bed.

"How does that feel?" The nurse asked, adjusting the sling my arm was in.

"Wonderful." I told them grinning. Everything was wonderful.

"Alright, well you sit there for five minutes then you can go home."


"My stuff." I cried at Matt. I'd forgotten all about it.

"Izzy don't worry about your stuff okay. Let's just worry about you."

Oh god he was so sweet. And perfect and oh god. I grabbed hold of the front of his shirt and pulled him closer.

"Your so perfect Matthew. I don't deserve you." It was true. He could do so much better than me, I mean look at him.

"Izzy don't be stupid."

"Ugh it's true." I cried. "Look at you."


"Your a sex god and I'm just me." I started crying.

"She's obviously on a downer." Mom stated.

I swung around and looked at her. "Why am I me?"

She looked at me oddly. "Because your you."

Great now she was trying to confuse me.

I looked back at Matt. "Go away. Leave."

I pushed on his chest.

"Izzy stop." He said. "Your being silly."

"Go." I screamed.

"No no. Shhhh." He said softly, putting his arm's around me. "Your perfect Bella. Your perfect for me."

I put my face in his chest. "I'm not good enough."

"Your fucking perfect."

I pulled back a little. "Oh Matt, I snotted on your shirt."

"My shirt will be fine." He kissed my forehead.

"Ugh I want you to take me home."

"Soon." He murmured, lifting my face up to his.

"Kiss me." I whispered.

He smiled and kissed me and oh god it felt wonderful.

I pulled him closer. I wanted to wrap my arm's around him but I couldn't. Stupid arm.

"I wanna go home."

"The doctor said soon Isabella." Mom said.

"I wanna go home and fuck."


"Your so uptight mother."

"Well I'm going to make sure they put the fact that you shouldn't have morphine into your medical records."

I watched her walk off and looked at Matt. "What's wrong with her?"

"Babe, you said a little too much."

"I'm sorry, I'm so stupid."

"No Izzy, your not. Now sit here and I'll go see about taking you home."

He started to walk away and I grabbed his shirt. "Do you love me Matt?"

"For the eight hundreth time, yes Bella, I love you." He brushed his lips across mine. "I love you so much."

"Good." I whispered.

It was good, it was oh no, oh god.

I threw up everywhere.

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