Chapter 13

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I sat there awkwardly, I didn't know what to say. Matt sat there awkwardly too, probably regretting saying that to me, he probably said it so he didn't look like an ass in front of Nanna.

I stood up, the awkwardness was too much.

"Drink?" I asked.

Nan and Matt both hurriedly agreed so I went off to get us drinks.

"What do you think your doing?" Cara hissed, grabbing my arm.


"All over Matt, he's mine, your making yourself look more pathetic than you already are."

"I realise that Cara, honestly we're just talking." I explained.

I didn't need her running to my father and bitching about me, although the chances were she already had.

"Stay away from him." She snapped walking off.

Sure, I thought, it didn't matter that Matt and I used to be friends, but whatever.

I got the drinks and headed back to the table. Surprise surprise, Cara was there.

Matt smiled at me as I sat down, I avoided his eyes and turned to Nanna.

"Can we go soon? I don't feel so well." I said quietly.

"Me neither sweety." Nanna said.

I looked at her, she didn't look great.

"Must have been something I ate."

I stood up. "We're going."

Matt stood up too.

"I'll drive." I told Nanna.

"Such a shame your leaving." Cara said sarcastically.

"I'll walk you out." Matt said.

I grabbed my bag and looked at him. What was I thinking, thinking he actually thought I was attractive. I was such an idiot.

"It's fine." I told him, heading for the door.

"Izzy, wait."

I ignored him and kept walking, I only turned back once I was outside.

"Bella do you have to be so rude?" Nanna asked, catching up to me.

"Does he have to be such a dick?"

"Isabella." She snapped.

I didn't say anything, I just unlocked the car and climbed in.

"I won't tolerate language." Nanna said, doing up her seat belt.

I didn't reply, I just started driving.

"Isabella, talk to me." Nan asked. "What has he done?"

"Her, he did her."

"Bella." She cried.

Oh crap, now I was crying.

"He was the one friend I could always turn too." I cried, wiping at my face.

"He still is."

"No Nanna he's not, he was the one person I told everything too and what did he do?" Shit, I was bawling now. "He started dating her."

"Oh sweety." Nanna said.

"Everything in my life has turned to shit Nan, everything."


"I'm sorry." I said turning into her drive.

"Isabella, maybe you should talk to Matthew." She suggested.

"Honestly Nan I don't want anything to do with him." I turned to look at her, she looked terrible. "Nanna, are you okay?"

"I just feel bad, take my car, I'll pick it up tomorrow."

I leant over and hugged her. "Okay."

"And Bella you really should talk to Matthew."

I watched her walk inside, I was worried, she really wasn't well.

As for talking to Matt, that wasn't going to happen.

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