Chapter 30

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Matt picked up my bag, took my hand and led me back inside.

"Well, I think I'll go home." Kim announced. "You probably should too Cara."

Yeah she should.

"I need to speak to Matt." She cried.

"Another time." Matt told her.

I stood there looking at her. She was glaring at me, then looked at Matt and put on the fake tears again.

"Come on sweety." Kim said, putting her arm around Cara and guiding her to the door. "I think Matt and Bella just want to go to bed."

Oh jesus, Cara started crying harder.

I wanted to add 'not with eachother' but I didn't. Fuck her, she could think want she wanted.

"Well I'm going back to bed." I told Matt quietly.

"Okay." He said handing me my bag. "I'll be in soon."

I headed to the room blushing. He'll be in soon, geez.

I climbed back into bed and started blushing again thinking about Matt and me, well, in bed.

Oh god what was I thinking!

I turned off the lamp and turned over, looking out the window and thinking. Thinking about Nanna, thinking about Matt.

God I was going to miss her. How was I going to deal with my family without her support?

And why the hell did Matt go out of his way to tell me that him and Cara were not together? And why the hell was I thinking about this when my Nanna had just died?

I was just a big bundle of emotions and I really didn't know what to do.

I closed my eye's and thought about Nanna again. I thought about all the things she'd done for me, I thought about how when I was a child she would come get me so I could stay with her on weekends and school vacation. I remembered Christmas when she would always pull me aside to give me a special gift that she'd gotten me and I remembered my many birthday parties for two, sitting around a huge cake that she'd baked for me, just the two of us.

"Are you okay?" Matt asked.

I hadn't even heard him come in.

"I will be." I whispered. I was crying again and I hadn't even realised.

"Izzy, what can I do?" He said.

I shook my head. What could he do? Bring her back?

I felt the bed move as he climbed in.

"Come here." He whispered.

I turned over and he wrapped me up in his arms.

"It'll be okay Izzy." He murmured. "I'll look after you."

I layed there listening to him murmur. It was comforting and nice and I found myself drifting off to sleep.

He was being so good to me and I was glad I had him.

"Thankyou for being a great friend." I murmured to him as I drifted off.

I felt him kiss my forehead and just before I dropped off I heard him say something.

"Yeah. Friend."

His voice sounded funny, I thought to myself. Why does his voice sound funny?

"Sleep baby." He whispered, kissing my forehead again.

I could sleep forever in his arm's.

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