Chapter 11

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"You look beautiful Bella." Nan said as I got in her car.

We were on our way to Cara and Christophers birthday dinner. My parents had booked a private room, only the best for those two.

I smiled half heartedly at Nanna, I certainly didn't feel beautiful.

"I see you got them gifts."


I wouldn't dare not get them gifts. Not that they ever got me anything. My last birthday passed with nothing, not even a happy birthday, just dinner at home with Nanna.

"Bella, please smile, your breaking my heart." Nan said quietly.

I looked at her and plastered on a big fake smile. She shook her head sadly.

We arrived and made our way inside. There were a few people here, most her obnoxious friends. There was, of course a gift table, so I put the gifts down and found a seat as far away from everything as I could.

Why did I come? I didn't have to. I could have just said that I knew everything and that I wasn't coming.

I wished I did, but I didn't. I still didn't know what to do about it except cry every ten minutes.

Christopher arrived and I looked at him. My brother, no my half brother. He waved at me, and I half waved back. While he wasn't as bad as Cara, we certainly didn't have much of a brother sister relationship.

Matt arrived with his parents and I avoided eye contact. He'd called me over and over again but I couldn't answer. I felt like he'd betrayed me, on the deepest level.

"Here sweety." Nanna said, handing me a drink and sitting down.

I took the drink and nodded. I didn't feel like speaking, I had nothing to say.

"Bella please." She whispered.

Suddenly there was a commotion at the door and Cara and my parents entered. I looked at them. I hated them. It was simple.

I watched her swan around the room, greeting everyone, well everyone except me.

"I assume you brought a gift?"

My father was standing in front of me.

I nodded.

"Isabella, what are you wearing?" My mother said, joining him.

I looked down at my red dress and black heels, I thought they looked okay.

"She looks beautiful doesn't she?" Nanna piped up.

They didn't reply, they just looked me up and down.

They left me alone and I sat there quietly, watching everybody. Nanna tried to engage me in conversation but I didn't have anything to say. I was broken and at this point I didn't think I would ever feel better again.

Everyone made their way to seats, it was time to eat. Nanna stayed with me, because my family didn't make room for me at their table. Not that I was surprised.

"Matthew." I heard Cara call. "I saved you a seat."

I bet you did, I thought to myself.

I looked over, instead of walking to Cara, Matt was heading in my direction.

"Can I sit here?" He asked, indicating to the empty seat on the other side of me.

I shrugged. I didn't care where he sat.

Nanna and him greeted eachother and started talking over the top of me. I wasn't really listening, I was too busy wishing I was somewhere else.

"Izzy." Matt said softly.

I looked at him, as if to say what.

He smiled at me, that stupid smile that I hated and suddenly leaned over, putting his lips to my ear.

"You look lovely." He whispered.

I did?

"And Izzy, we really need to talk."

His whispering gave me goosebumps all over and I felt something else, almost like a little shock of electricity.

What the hell did that mean?

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