Chapter 28

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"Bella, you need to eat."

I looked up from my plate to see Matt and Kim looking at me.

"I can't." I said softly.

I looked back at my plate and resumed pushing the food around. I was suddenly tired, so tired.

"I think I'll go to bed."

"That's a good idea." Kim said standing up.

She took my hand and smiled at me.

"Goodnight." I said to Matt.


I have no idea what he was going to say because the doorbell interrupted us.

"Come on." Kim said taking my hand. "Matt get the door."

She led me to the room I was staying in and handed me my pyjamas.

"Get changed, I'll tuck you in."

I went into the bathroom and got changed. I looked at myself in the mirror while I brushed my teeth. I was a mess. I hadn't even brushed my hair when I got up this morning, and my eyes were red and swollen. I couldn't even look at the bruises.

I came out and I could hear Matt talking too someone but I couldn't tell who.

"Jump in." Kim told me when I entered the bedroom.

"I should thank Matt."

"Bella no, just hop into bed." Kim said quickly.

Why did she want me to rush to bed?

"No, it's fine." I said exiting the room.

I walked down the hall to the lounge room and there they were. Cara and Matt. She was crying, he was holding her.

I wasn't surprised, I knew she'd show up eventually and the worse thing was she still looked stunning while she was crying.

Matt looked at me, I just turned away and headed back to the bedroom. I think I was past caring anymore.

Kim was still standing next to the bed and I walked over and got in.

"The funny thing is." I said. "She didn't give a rats ass about Nanna."

"Honey, it's okay." She kissed my cheek.

"Honestly I don't care."

I rolled over, as far as I was concerned Matt and Cara could go fuck themselves.

"It'll be okay Bella." Kim said turning off the light and closing the door.

Yes everything will be okay. Cara was still throwing herself at Matt, he was lapping it up and my Nanna was dead. Yes it'll be just fine.

I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. I could hear them talking and I couldn't stop thinking about Nanna.

Suddenly their voices raised.

"I need you."

Argh, Cara being over dramatic.

"You need to calm down." I heard Kim say.

I heard my door open.

"Matt." Cara screeched.

I covered my ears. I hated the sound of her voice.

"Bella." Matt said.

I kept my hands over my ears, I didn't want to hear it.

"Izzy." He knelt down in front of me.

I closed my eyes.

"Go away, leave me alone."

"Please." He said.

"No." I sobbed.

The light changed and I realised he'd left the room again. I opened my eyes and looked at the door.

I hated him so much right now, but I really wished he'd come back.

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