Chapter 35

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I must have fallen asleep because voices woke me up.

I opened my eye's, I was still on the couch and I could hear Matt talking to someone.

"I'd like to speak too her."

It was my mother.

"I don't think it's a good idea."

"Matthew, please."

"She's exhausted, she's upset, she's been through hell, she just needs time out." Matt told her.

"Matthew, she's my daughter." My mother cried.

"I know. Maybe tomorrow."

"I guess." Mom said. "It's just we really need to talk. But your right, she does need some time."

"She does."

"Okay, I'll call her tomorrow."


"Matthew can I ask you something?"

I wish she'd just leave.

"Uh I guess." Poor Matt.

"Are you and Bella um together?" She asked him.

My ears perked up and I rolled over so I could hear better. I was interested in his answer myself.

"Ah I hope so." He told her.

He hoped so?

"You hope so?" Mom asked.

Go mom.

"Yeah, I mean, yes." He sounded embarrassed. "It's a recent thing."

"Good." Mom told him. "I know you'll take care of her."

"That's what I want." Matt said.

"Okay. I'm glad. Well tomorrow then."

She left and Matt closed the door, walking back into the living room.

"Your awake." He exclaimed.

I smiled at him and nodded. "I am."

"Yeah, that was your mom. I told her to give you some time."

"Thankyou." I said holding my hand out to him.

He smiled and took it. I lifted my head and he sat down. I layed my head in his lap.

"So what do you want to do for dinner?" He asked, brushing his fingers through my hair.

I shrugged. "I don't care."

I wasn't really hungry, but I guessed Matt was.

He smiled down at me. "So. I guess you heard that conversation."

"I did." I told him.

"And?" He asked.

"And what?" I teased.

"Izzy." He groaned.

"The together part?" I asked him.

He nodded, looking embarrassed. He looked so adorable.

"I liked it."

He smiled. "You did?"

"I did."

I reached up and touched his face.

"Good." He murmured, leaning down. "I meant it."

"I hope you did." I whispered as he kissed me.

I loved when he kissed me, I honestly did, I'd never have thought in a million years I'd feel this way, especially with Matt.

We broke apart and he looked at me.

"Food?" I asked him sitting up.

"Yeah, food."

He turned to me and pulled me into his arms, kissing me deeply.

It was dinner time, I thought kissing him back, but I don't think we were going to eat much food.

Matt tightened his arms around me and I couldn't help but respond.

I guess something else was on the menu tonight.

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