Chapter 18

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"Izzy." Matt whispered, coming into my room.

"Leave me alone." I sobbed.

I felt him climb onto the bed.

"Bella no." He wrapped his arms around me from behind, pulling my back against him.

"What if she dies?" I cried.

"Shhhh." He murmured.

"I'll have nobody, nobody."

"That's not true." He pulled me in closer.

I let myself go and really cried, just laying there, crying for everything that happened.

Eventually I felt myself getting sleepy and I closed my eye's, feeling my body hitch from my fading sobs.

"Izzy." Matt whispered in my ear. "What happened, what is happening, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I murmured.

"Talk to me, you never talk to me anymore."

I didn't answer him, I didn't know how too.

I layed there letting myself drift, I just wanted everything to fade away, I wanted to fade away.

"Isabella." Matt murmured.

I was on the edge, that place where your almost asleep but not really awake.

I felt him brush my hair off my face, it gelt good, it felt nice.

"Sleep baby." He whispered. "I'll be here when you wake up. I'll always be here."

No, no he won't, he was lying.

"No." I whispered.

He didn't reply, he just tightened his arms and brushed his lips lightly over my cheek and my last thought before drifting into sleep was how much I liked it and how pissed my family would be.

I woke with a start. Something had woken me. It was pitch black and a quick glance at my clock confirmed that it was 3.56am.

I listened, nothing, I must have been dreaming, about what I couldn't remember.

I went to the bathroom and took a couple of Tylenol while I was there, my face hurt and quick look in the mirror told me why. It was swollen and bruised.

I climbed back into bed.

"You okay?" Matt asked.

Fuck. He was still here.

I closed my eye's, wishing he wasn't here, but glad he was. God what was wrong with me?


I took a deep breath. "I'll don't think I'll ever be okay."

He reached out and pulled me to him.

Why the fuck did I say anything? This was my sisters boyfriend.

Yeah but he was your friend first, a little voice in my head whispered.

"I promise you'll be okay." He murmured. "I'll make sure of it."

He'll make sure of it? What did he mean by that?

He brushed his lips across my forehead and I closed my eye's.

"Thankyou." I whispered.

He pulled me closer, wrapping me up in his arms.

I felt safe here, now, with him, and as he kissed my forehead again I felt something else and it frightened me.

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