Chapter 34

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Oh my god. He was kissing me and I was in heaven, as far as I was concerned he could kiss me for the rest of my life. Unfortunately he didn't.

Too soon he pulled away a little and looked at me.

"Let me make something to eat." He murmured.

Damn, I'd eat him. Oh god what was I thinking.

"I'm um not hungry." I started blushing.

"Izzy, you have to eat." He said, embracing me.

I layed my head on his chest and closed my eye's. "I guess."

"I know." He whispered.

"I might have a shower first."

"You shower and by the time your finished I'll have food."

"Okay." I said,  looking at him.

He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose. "Now go."

I headed into the bathroom and had a long hot shower, it felt so nice. When I got out I pulled on some pyjamas, I didn't plan on doing anything but nap for the rest of the day.

I looked in the mirror. I considered doing my hair but what did it matter, Matt had seen me at my absolute worst anyway.

I went out to the kitchen, Matt was standing there having a drink.

"Here." He said, handing me a plate and grinning.

I smiled at him. "You've outdone yourself."

I sat down and took a bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and to be honest it tasted divine.

"Aren't you eating?" I asked him.

"Oh I did."

He watched me until I finished.

"Come on." He said grabbing my hand.

I followed him into the living room and he layed down on the couch, pulling me down next to him.

"Let's just lay here for the rest of the day." He said, smiling at me and brushing my hair off my face.

"And sleep." I whispered.

"And kiss maybe?" He asked.

I smiled at him as he pressed his lips to mine again. Yeah I was happy to lay here doing this for the rest of the day.

"You know." He murmured in between kisses. "I've wanted to kiss you for a long time."

What??? "You have?"

"Yes Izzy." He laughed. "For about ten years."

"Wait, really?" Since he was 18?

"You seem surprised." He said.

"Well, I mean I am. I didn't know." I'd had no clue.

"Izzy." He murmured, kissing me again. "You weren't interested, I could see that."

I guess I wasn't interested in him, I'd only ever seen him as a friend.

"But Cara?" I asked.

He groaned. "Izzy I only ever asked her to come out because I knew you wouldn't."

"Maybe I would have." I told him.

"No." He laughed. "You wouldn't have."

I smiled, maybe not, but it wasn't long after that, that seeing him with Cara had really bugged me.

He pulled me closer and kissed me again and I relaxed against him and enjoyed.

"Oh and Matt." I murmured against his lips.


"I'm interested now."

"Yeah, you are." He smiled, pressing his lips back to mine.

Oh I was interested, I was very interested, in fact all of me was interested.

And oh my god, was that tongue???

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