Chapter 9

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I heard Nanna banging around in the kitchen while I sat there wondering what the hell she was going to tell me. I couldn't help but be worried.

She walked back in and handed me a drink.

"JD." She told me, putting the bottle on the table.

"Nan I have to drive."

"You'll be staying here tonight Bella girl." She said looking at me.

I just nodded, I was too scared to open my mouth.

"Now let me tell you a story Bella. Feel free to interrupt if you want to know something, maybe by the time I'm finished you'll understand a few things."

"Nanna your scaring me." I said softly.

"Don't be scared. Now shush and let me tell you." She said, sitting back on the couch.

I nodded and got comfortable.

"Bella this story begins before you were born." She started. "It was not long after the twins were born, well your father he was always controlling, I'd warned your mother not to marry him but she wouldn't listen. Anyway, after the twins were born he got worse, alot worse. Your mother wasn't allowed to do anything, not even leave the house."

She stopped and took a drink, smiling at me.

"So it was at this time your father decided to get the backyard landscaped and the pool put in. He hired a lovely young fellow named Tony. He was Italian, came from a good family and a very hard worker. Well, your father was worried about what your mother might get up to if she went out, when he really should've been worrying about what she was doing at home."

What was Nanna saying? I took a long drink.

"Anyway Tony and your mother fell in love, he didn't like what your father was doing so he moved your mother and the twins in with him."

We both took a drink.

"It was nice to see Bella, your mother was happy and Tony adored her. Your father on the other hand wasn't happy. And he let them know it. The police were involved on several occasions, it was just horrible. More?" She asked, holding up the bottle.

I nodded and watched as she filled both our glasses.

"It didn't last long Bella." She sighed, looking sad. "Tony was killed in a car accident. It was a horrible time, for your mother, and for me too, I loved Tony, he made my daughter happy."

I was trying to grasp the point of this story but I couldn't. I took another drink.

"Anyway, your father pounced, pressuring your mother to go back to him, I mean how could she raise two kids on her own? I'll tell you how. She should have come here. I offered, I insisted but she went back to him anyway."

Nanna was beginning to look upset and it bothered me.

"Well it wasn't long until your father was back to his old self, controlling everything your mother did, only there was one problem, one which he couldn't control." She looked at me. "Are you following Bella?"

I nodded, my father was an asshole, I got that.

"Your mother was pregnant. Oh your father was unimpressed, he ranted and raved, insisting she get an abortion but for once she stood up to him and refused and he relented, allowing her to have the baby. Of course he had an agenda, and that was to make your mothers life miserable as well as the new baby."

She stopped again and took a drink.

"Do you understand what I'm saying Bella?"

I nodded. "I think so."

She stood up and held out her hand. "Come with me, and bring your drink."

I took her hand and followed her into the bathroom.

"Now look in the mirror Bella. What do you see?"

I shrugged. "Just me." I didn't add that I didn't necessarily like what I saw.

"Didn't you ever wonder why your brother and sister were so fair yet your so dark?"

Well that was true. My hair was black, my skin olive.

"Bella." She said softly, touching my hair. "Tony is your father."

Oh god. My whole life was a lie.

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