Chapter 15

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My phone was ringing. For god sake couldn't I just get some sleep.

I rolled over and god my face was so sore.

"Hello." I answered.

I sounded funny and I put my fingers up to my lips, they were swollen.

"Bella?" It was Christopher. "Bella where are you, how come your not here at the hospital?"

The hospital?

"It's not that bad." I told him.

"Not that bad Bella, she had a stroke."

She had a stroke? Who had a stroke?

"Who?" I knew the answer but I didn't want to hear it.

"Did anyone call you?" He asked.

"No." I sobbed.

"Come Bella, come now."

He hung up and I jumped up grabbing the first clothes within my reach and pulling them on.

Nanna. She was in hospital, she'd had a stroke.

I grabbed my bag and keys and ran out to my car. I couldn't believe nobody had called me, no one.

I was in no fit state to drive but somehow I made it to the hospital. I ran inside and approached the desk.

"The ER is that way Miss." The lady behind the counter told me.

My face. She thought I was here for my face.

"No, my Nanna." I sobbed.

"What's her name sweetheart?"

"Adelaide Thomas."

She clicked away at her keyboard.

"Yes sweety, she's on the third floor. Turn left when you go up and you'll see the rest of your family in the waiting room."

I turned to the elevator. It took forever but finally I reached the third floor. I turned left and there was the waiting room.

"You didn't call." I cried, walking in.

"Isabella, what happened?" My mother asked standing up.

"You tell me, nobody called me."

"Jesus Christ." Christopher said.

I stopped and looked around, wiping my face.

My father was here, my mother, Christopher, Cara and Matt, he was here, how could he be here?

"He's here but you couldn't call me." I cried.

"Isabella." My father snapped. "Control yourself."

Matt stood up and approached me, reaching out for me.

I slapped his arms away. "Don't you dare fucking touch me."

"Izzy." He said.

"Where's Nanna, that's all I want." I screamed and oh god I couldn't breath.

"Isabella." My father yelled.

I looked at him and my head started spinning.

"Izzy what happened?" I heard Matt ask.

My vision started going dark, I was going to pass out.

I reached out, to grab something, anything and I felt arms slip around me before everything went black.

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