Chapter 6

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This party was a bad idea, a very bad idea.

I stayed in the corner with Abbey and Adam, other people came over to talk at different times, including the rest of the guys, well except for Matt. I still wasn't entirely sure what my decision to cut my hair and move had to do with him, or why the hell he was so upset about it.

"But really Bella, San Francisco?" Jimmy asked me for the twentieth time.

"Yes Jim, what don't you understand?"

"I don't know, it just seems kind of far."

"Kind of far from what?"

If you asked me, it wasn't far enough.

"Geez, your friends I guess."

He was right, my friends I would miss, but I would make new ones, I'd be okay.

"Bella." Abbey hissed. "Your mom."

I looked over to see my mother heading over towards me. She looked pissed.

"Can you all excuse us." She announced. "I need to have a word with Isabella."

The way everyone scattered I realised I wasn't the only person my mother intimidated.

I didn't say anything, I just stood there looking at her.

"Bella, what have you done to your hair?" She hissed.

"I got it cut obviously."

"Don't get smart with me Bella, I've had enough of you and your attitude. Did it enter your mind to discuss such a dramatic change with me?"

"My hair has absolutely nothing to do with you." I told her.

Was she serious?

"You can come by tomorrow and discuss this ridiculous idea of San Francisco." She told me.

"No I can't, there's nothing to discuss."

She reached over and grabbed my arm, leaning in close. "I refuse to make a scene Isabella, but I'm sick of your selfish behavior. What about your family?"

I laughed right in her face. "What about you?"

"So your happy to just leave. We've supported you Bella, in all of your endeavors, but this, this is ridiculous."

"Supported me." I screeched.

"Please don't make a scene." Mom hissed.

"No I'm curious to know how exactly it is that you supported me. With the constant segregation? Or was it the continuous humiliation?" I was raising my voice but I didn't care, I was angry.

"Your being ridiculous."

"Oh I'm being ridiculous am I." I felt a tear slide down my cheek and that made me angrier, she could see my hurt. "Ridiculous is having a child that you didn't want. Ridiculous is reminding that child every day that they weren't wanted, so don't you dare call me ridiculous."

Suddenly I felt a firm hand grab my other arm and swing me around. I looked straight into the eyes of my father. He hated me the most and I could see it all over his face.

"You need to leave." He growled at me. "You will be over our house tomorrow and if I ever hear you speak to your mother like that again you will be sorry."

I snatched my arm away and turned around. People were looking at us. Cara was standing there smirking, everyone else looked embarrassed.

I felt another tear slide down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away as I headed for the door.

"Izzy wait." Matt said following me.

"Your just as bad as them." I sobbed at him. "Your one of them. Leave me alone, don't speak to me again."

"Izzy no."

I turned and left, I hoped I never saw any of these people again. I didn't want to.

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