Chapter 4

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"Argh I dunno Bella."

"For god sake Abbey, I'm paying you." I snapped.

She groaned. "Bella, you've always had long hair, since forever. I can't do it."

"Fine. Angela." I called to the other hairdresser. "Cut my hair."

"No, no, fine I'll do it." She cried.

Good. I just wanted my fucking hair cut.

"I told you what I want, now just do it."

She started brushing my hair. "Why are you cutting it Bella?"

"I have a job interview on Monday."

"What, I thought you loved where you are now?" She asked me.

"I do, but I need a change and now it's summer it's the perfect time to look at new schools." I explained.

"Oh god Bella, are you ready?" She asked, holding the scissors.

"Yes. Just do it."

She sighed and I heard a snip.

Oh well, it's too late now.

"So which school is it Bella?" She asked me.

I really wished she'd concentrate on my hair.

"It's in San Francisco."

"What?" She screeched, stopping the cutting and stepping back.

"What?" I asked.

"San Francisco Bella."

"Yeah, it's time for a change Abbey."

"No, you can't leave me." She whined.

I looked at her in the mirror. "It's time for me to go somewhere, away from here."

"Oh Bella." She said softly. "I'm sorry."

Abbey and I had been friends since school, she knew my family so she knew what I was moving away from.

"Don't apologise, my shitty little life isn't your fault."

"I know, but it sucks."

Yeah, it really did.

We were both silent while she snipped away at my hair. I refused to think about the reasons for my move, enough of my life had been wasted on those assholes.

I looked in the mirror to see Abbey crying.

"Abs, why are you crying?" I asked her.

"Oh Bella, your beautiful hair." She sobbed. "And your leaving me."

"I'm not leaving you, it's only San Francisco for godsake."

"It doesn't matter."

I let her go, when she was like this there was no consoling her, I was leaving her and that was that.

Suddenly she swung my chair around.

"No looking until I've finished." She said.

So I sat there, she snipped, then blow dried, then proceeded to put 800 hair products in.

"Oh." Angela said, walking over to us.

Abbey looked at her and nodded, putting her hand over her mouth.

"What?" I asked. Jesus, what had I been thinking?

"Are you ready Bella?" Abbey asked me.

I couldn't speak so I nodded.

"Okay." She said, spinning my chair around.

Oh god. I looked in the mirror. Oh god.

"Why did we not do this years ago?" Abbey asked. "Bella it's perfect."

I still couldn't speak, I just nodded and fet a tear run down my cheek. I looked completely different now, not like me, my hair was now shorter, from below my waist to just below my ears.

"Don't cry." Abbey whispered, hugging me.

I couldn't help it, finally it was happening, finally I was becoming the girl I always wanted to be.

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