"Catch me if you can bastard—FUCK!"
Optimus plopped Amalgamous back down onto the hospital bed after her third attempt escape of her few days in the hospital. "Optimus: Three, Amalgamous: Zero." The Autobot taunted with a smile upon his face.
"Fuck you, Prime."
"Such language Amal." A black haired boy said as he entered the room. Amal perked up. "Jack, thank god. Help free me from this prison."
"Sorry Amal. Even I'm not dumb enough to fuck with Ratchet's patients." Jack said as he stopped next to Optimus, who was still surprised at the fact that him and Jack were the same height now.
Amal crossed her arms with a huff. "This is the bullshit. As first order of business as a Prime, I demand to be released from this room." Amal said dramatically, making the human and Autobot Prime roll their eyes.
"Relax, you overdramatic idiot. You've been cleared." Ratchet said as he walked through the doors. "WOO HOO!" Amal exclaimed, shooting up out of the bed, only to be stopped by Ratchet.
"But, you are to remain extra careful. We don't know if there are still Unicron's followers out there so we are at risk of attack. So if there is one, no transforming. Got it?" Ratchet asked and Amal huffed.
"How come Jack is fully cleared but I'm not?"
"Jack does not have a heart attack and falling into the Well of Allsparks on his medical record." Ratchet said, placing his hand on his hip with a cock of his eyebrow.
"Jack: One. Amalgamous: Zero." Jack said, placing his own hand on his hip. "Haha, very funny son of Unicron." Amal said as she made an 'L' with her fingers and put it to her forehead.
Jack stuck his tongue out at her. "Amalgamous: One. Jack: One." Amal mocked and Optimus rolled his eyes at the two. "Would you like to go find some other clothes?" The long time Prime asked to change the subject.
"Yes, please. These clothes are getting old. I miss looking actually good." Amal said as they bid goodbye to Ratchet and made their way toward a room in the hospital with civilian clothing for people.
"So, about this peace treaty—?" Amal began, looking at Optimus and the Prime hummed. "Well, it seems the Prime's that have been created are just about the second generation of the Thirteen Originals."
"How so?"
"Well, each one was different and unique. But there are a few differences which I think they accounted for."
"And that would be—?" Jack asked, cocking and eyebrow. "Well, you for starters." Optimus said to the black haired boy, who frowned. "Why me?" He asked as they got the room and Amal began to grab clothes to change into, heading into a different room.
"It seems Earth has officially been connected with you as a Prime. Having a human Prime to represent the humans is a start to a peace treaty. Amalgamous is apart of that too since she is human as well."
"Part." Amal chirped as she walked out, now in jeans and a tshirt. Jack and Optimus looked confused. "Part?" Optimus asked.
"Yea, Amalgamous Prime the second, remember?"
The two men suddenly gaped, mouth dropping open a bit.
"Oh, did I forget to mention that? Oops."
"The second?" Bumblebee exclaimed, eyes wide as he grinned. Amal rubbed her arm. "Yea. I met Amalgamous the first when I had my heart attack but I didn't know who he was then. The second time he introduced himself and I met the thirteen originals kinda."
"You met the thirteen originals?"
"Yea, it wasn't like anything formal. They just stood there and laughed at what I had said. I think they helped me get the matrix."
"A part of the matrix."
"It had been theorized that my matrix was not the only one. It never made sense to only have one matrix when there was the thirteen originals. So it seems they shared the real matrix. Or something along those lines, which is why there are now more Prime's." Optimus explained.
"Do you think there could another thirteen? Maybe there's some we don't know about." Arcee asked and Optimus looked deep in thought. "It would make sense. Perhaps when we start sending messages that Cybertron is a safe haven now, more will reveal themselves."
"Until then, I think we should work on this treaty." Lennox said as he walked in and Amal perked up. "Looking good after you're first smack down against Cybertronians." She said, grinning and Lennox scratched the back of his head.
"If really fucking sore doesn't count as an injury. My body feels like death." He said and Amal chuckled. "You get used to it." She said as she sat down when he body started feeling weak.
"Yes, I believe focusing on the treaty and tracking down the remaining soldiers Unicron had would be good." Optimus said and everybody nodded.
"So, Amalgamous Prime's daughter..." Jack said slowly as his eyebrows furrowed as if he was thinking. Amal nodded with a cocked eyebrow.
"That would make us cousins..."
Amal's eyes widened as her mouth gaped as the black haired boys formed into one as well. "HUG ME COUS." Amal exclaimed and they both embraced each other.
"Whoa. Small worlds, I guess. Who would've guessed the two biggest idiots were related."

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...