"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!"
Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them.
Amalgamous, foun...
PLEASE READ! Disclaimer: Knockout and Soundwave will be Femme's in this, I know they are not in the tv show but I am changing that for this one, I do not want anyone commenting how they think the characters gender should be switched, they will not be changed from the way I want it. I also do not want anybody commenting correcting any of my work. When this book is finished, I will go through and fix any tiny errors such as spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. There are things in this story that will change from the original Transformers Timeline, and if you don't like them don't read it. With that said, thank you for choosing to read Rise, I hope you enjoy it :)
•Amalgamous• -Nickname(s): Amal, Amy, Gam Gam (by Breakdown alone), Prime (occasionally, under joking circumstance) -Human -Female -Blonde hair -Blue eyes -5'4" -Named by Megatron himself after one of the thirteen original Primes, as he saw fit for her to be named with such a honored name -Has two metal arms after an accident, since then classified under Amal's request and Megatron's order -Raised by Decepticon's since she was 6 months old -She was found by a group of troops, assisting Knockout in the field with Energon -Has separation anxiety when not around at least one of the following cybertronians: Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Predaking, Knockout, Breakdown -Status: Alive (Played by Sabrina Carpenter)
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•Megatron• -Nickname(s): My Liege/Lord, Master (by Decepticons only), boss (by Amal and Breakdown), Buckethead (by Autobots and Amal), Shark boy (by Amal only), Megsy (by Amal only) -Cybertronian, Decepticon -Mech -Silver finish, scars across all his frame -Red optics, sometimes Purple -33' -Family: All deceased, Sparkmate: Unknown -He's usually never without Amal by his side, or knows where she's at at all times, due to his protectiveness over her -He doesn't like the troops going around Amal in fear of her being stepped on, since they can be rather clumsy when around each other -Around Soundwave, Breakdown, Knockout, and Amal, he can actually be happy since he's known them for a long time, and is close to them -Was a fierce warriors in the Pits of Kaon -Status: MIA
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•Starscream• -Nickname(s): Screamer, Screams, Star-y (by Amal and Breakdown), Babes (by Amal alone) -Cybertronian, Decepticon -Mech, Seeker -Silver finish, with slight scratches across his frame, a few dents from old fights and failed flights -Red optics -28' -Family: All deaceased, Sparkmate: Redstar, MIA from the Battle of Egotract Valley -Hasn't changed into his true form since Cybertron fell under Megatron's orders to protect himself -He, with Knockout, were among the first to find Amal when she was a baby and protected her from on coming Autobot fire -He was also part of raising Amal and training her until she could take care of herself -Doesn't have much trust in most the crew, only towards Megatron, Amal, Knockout, and occasionally Breakdown -Status: Alive