Amal has her arms and legs crossed as she sat in the chair facing the mirror in her room she had changed in. She wiped her face and looked at her hand, seeing faint makeup smeared on it now, making her sigh.
"It's not that bad I guess." Amal mumbled to herself, crossing her arms again as the door opened. She looked in the mirror, smiling back at her reflection before sighing as a knock came to the door.
"Amalgamous?" She smiled at the muffled voice on the other side while she bounded up and to the door. She unlocked the door and busted it open, grinning widely at the gray haired Holoform in front of her. "Hi Megsy!" She exclaimed as the Decepticon leader smiled faintly and hugged her.
"What's this for?" Amal's muffled voice in his jacket made Megatron chuckle. "Oh, just...being proud." He mumbled, patting her back softly. Amal hugged him back, her mouth forming in an 'o' shape.
Amal smiled as her and the Warlord walked down the hallway, approaching the small group she had come with from the little town of Jasper. "I have to say Amalgamous, I was not expecting the words that were spoken today." Ratchet said to her as they stopped next to them.
"I did not you could use such vocabulary." Starscream said, making the blonde haired girl punch his shoulder. He chuckled, swatting her hand away. "I believe we speak for all of us when I say we are thoroughly impressed." Optimus said to Amal, making her shrug sheepishly as she dragged her foot across the floor.
"Do you think I reeled them in?" She asked the group. "I think they were pretty shocked. Those humans weren't expecting much, but you proved them wrong." Arcee told her, which took the girl by surprise. She hadn't expected Arcee to put any input in and having it come from the one Bot who took awhile to warm up to, it made her relax.
"For a human who isn't like other humans, it wasn't too bad." Jack said with a slight smirk. "Yea! The humans in there were speechless practically!" Miko said, wrapping an arm around the blonde haired girls shoulder. Amal smiled slightly, the tenseness in her muscles finally leaving as the compliments made her relax.
"What do we do now?" She asked, looking at her best friend. He patted her head softly as he smirked. And with that look, the blonde haired girl felt confident that it would be alright. It had to turn out good. Because if something were to happen to these cybertronians that she cared about so much, she didn't know what she would do.
"Now, we wait."
Sorry about the long wait for such a short chapter! School has me very busy, but thank you guys so much for 20k reads, that insane! Remember to vote and comment guys, I love feed back! Until next time my lovelies! :)

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfic"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...