Chapter 46

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"I—I don't—"

"Let's just do this so I can go back to my duties." Knockout said impatiently, stepping forward as random words stumbled out of Jack's mouth. "Hey hey, calm down Knock's. He hasn't even started yet." Amal said, motioning her to stop. Knockout glared at Amal.

"Then why did you grab me? I have much more important things to do like helping Ratch—"

"She sounds like someone we know." Miko whispered to Raf as Knockout continued to rant to Amal, who was rolling her eyes at the over dramatic medic. Raf giggled and nodded in agreement.

"Lets just start this then so we can all stop hearing your complaining." Amal said, turning to Jack. Knockout scoffed, brushing her hair out of her face and crossing her arms. Amal smiled and clapped her hands together.

"Let's start with the basics, shall we?"


Fowler sighed as he listened to the voice yelling at him at the other side of the phone, a guilty feeling in his gut. "Yes s—yes sir...I understand...yes I know, I should've—" Fowler sighed as the Deputy Director of the Pentagon let him have it over the fact Decepticons were in their base, working with them.

"Yes sir, I'll hold on."

Fowler sighed as he leaned on his desk, glancing toward his door, hoping an Autobot would call for him so he had an excuse to get off the phone and stop getting yelled at for once. But alas, the Autobots were busy trying to find out what was going on with Predacons rising from the dead suddenly.

There was suddenly another voice on the other side of the phone, making Fowler snap out of his stare and listen closely. "What? Right now? O-oh yes sir, of course! We'll be there as soon as possible. Yes sir, of course." And with that, Fowler slammed the phone down and sprinted out of his office of the Autobot base to tell the Autobots the news he had just received.



"Does he not know how to knock?" Amal asked, tossing a piece of popcorn into her mouth. "He never learned in the Armt apparently." Miko said, making the two snicker. The Autobots turned around at the sound of the Army Ranger's voice.

"Agent Fowler, welcome back." Optimus said politely, walking up to the railing where Fowler approached. The Decepticons continued to their work duties, with Knockout fiddling with the groundbridge panel, Soundwave, Breakdown and Shockwave we're off somewhere else, and Starscream was standing next to Megatron by the wall, both of them giving each other a weird look when Fowler entered so quickly.

"I just got a call from the Deputy Director of the Pentagon, and I told him about our—" Fowler glanced at Megatron and Starscream, who gave a hard stare. "—guests."

"And?" Miko asked slowly. Fowler sighed, crossing his arms. "We need to get to Virginia, as soon as possible." The Autobots frowned. "May I ask why, Agent Fowler?" Optimus questioned, even frowning himself.

"Because the Director of the Pentagon wants to speak to you personally."

Miko gaped next to Jack, who shrunk down. "Oh brother." The black haired boy whispered, rubbing his forehead. "I don't—what?" Ratchet asked, in disbelief. "Why do your higher authorities want to speak with us?" Arcee asked, looking at Bumblebee nervously.

"They want to discuss matters with the Decepticons and on what is happening with these goons popping up. So right now, we need to groundbridge as soon as possible to the Pentagon." Agent Fowler explained. Rather huffed. "Well that's perfect timing, because we don't have a groundbridge at the moment."


"Due to the dark Energon exposure, the groundbridge malfunctioned. Knockout is working on it so it won't happen again." Ratchet explained. "It should be up and running in about...a Human week." Knockout said, standing up and walking over.

"A week? They want us there in at most three days."

"I apologize, Agent Fowler, but we must not rush this process. The groundbridge is the only proper way to safely get to your—"

"Road trip!"

Everybody looked at Amal as Megatron rolled his optics and sighed. "Let's take a road trip!" Amal said, grinning madly. "That's an idea." Jack said, not being able to hide his own grin. "A road trip?" Ratchet questioned.

"You've never gone on a road trip?" Miko gawked, looking surprised. The Autobots shook their heads. "A human way of getting around." Starscream mumbled, crossing his arms. "But a fun Human way." Amal said, clapping her hands together.

"It's not a bad idea." Fowler hummed, looking at Optimus. The Autobot leader thought for a second before shrugging. "If it is what need to do in order to get to your leaders, then so be it." The Prime said. Ratchet gaped.

"You can't be serious."

"Yayyyyy! I call riding with Megs!"

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