Chapter 127

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"It is time, my army."

The cyber wolves howled and cheered in excitement alongside the cyber snakes hissing and the cyber hyenas laughing loudly. Unicron grinned. "This is our moment to strike Primus when he is most vulnerable, when he will not expect it. This is our moment to finally start our rein to seize the galaxy! Once Primus is dead, nobody can stop us!"

And the howls, snarls, and hisses of battle cries drowned out the crying, shaking human slaves words that witnessed the announcement of the final end of their freedom, and the whole galaxies as well.


It had just been a day since witnessing Unicron's final speech before they began to make their way to Cybertron via Spacebridges, but it had been three years of blood, sweat, and tears that June had endured to get to this point.

She had done so much to change Unicron's mind on something's he had tried to change, and some of it paid off, while some of it worsened it. June felt guilty of being 'apart' of his army, but with reassurance from Soundwave along the way, she eventually came to move on from her guilt and fear that consumed her in order to do as much as she could for the better of the human race.

"Soundwave, are the troops almost through?"

Soundwave played back a recording of Poet's voice "yes, my liege."

June listened on her own comlink that Soundwave had made her to fit in her ear, inwardly fearing for what was to come. Unicron chuckled. "Good, we shall begin the ceremony momentarily. Tell Blackscar and Poet to fetch the Prime."

June frowned and clicked her comlink. "What ceremony, master?" She asked, confused at the sudden mention of it. She could practically hear Unicron's grin as he spoke next.

"The ceremony of Optimus Prime's death!"


Poet turned to the sound of Blackscar approaching, his tail swaying side to side to show he was happy. "What's gotten you wagging your tail?" Poet asked as the cyber wolf grinned. "Lord Unicron has a task for us, and an even more special task for you." Blackscar told the brown haired man

Poet frowned. "Me?" He asked and the cyber wolf nodded again as he began to walk past him. Poet followed quickly.

"And what would that task be?"

Blackscar grinned with a low growl.

"Terminating Optimus Prime himself."

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