Amalgamous has always been able to keep her fear hidden from others, mostly due to Starscream and his attempts to scare her.
But Amal screamed when Jack took off his arm.
Full on shrieked, to where it seemed like the little town of Jasper, miles away, could hear it.
"Bitch, what the fuck?" Amal exclaimed, jumping back slightly. Jack frowned and clicked it back on. "Yea. I get that a lot." He said, sighing. "But how—...since when—?" "Since about...two months after I met the Autobots." He told her.
"But...but how?" Amal asked hesitantly. Jack chuckled, wiggling his arm slightly. "Well, it's not near as traumatic as yours. It was a simple Energon run and like always, Miko ran through so I followed while the Autobots were transporting Energon through. A bit of the harvested Energon splashed when I went through the groundbridge and when I got all the way through, my arm was almost completely gone."
"That's awful."
"Yea, it was pretty freaked out but luckily, Ratchet helped build me a new arm." Amal tensed a bit as she looked at him. "What do you mean?" She asked him. Jack looked at his fake hand. "Oh, he just built me one, and we pretty much made new nerves out of wires, I guess, and rearranged them so we get signals to my brain so it can function like a normal arm."
Amal paled suddenly. "What's it made out of?" She asked frantically. Jack looked at her weirdly. "Why do you seem so scared?" He asked. Amal grabbed his shoulders in her hands tight and locked eyes with him.
"Because your life depends on it."
Jack nodded and said "Cybertronian metal." Amal let go of him and shot up, grabbing the young boy's hand and hauling him up. Jack stumbles as he was yanked up and began to be dragged quickly into the base. Amal bit her lip nervously.
"We need to find Knockout, now."
"You never fucking told us this shit?"
"It was Jack's wish to not!" Ratchet growled at the angered blonde girl. "Even after I told you my story? This is big information, you idiot!" Amal exclaimed as the Autobots and Decepticons watched the two yell at each other.
"How is it so important?"
"Because his life is at risk, you Wrench wielding psychopath!"
Optimus looked concerned as he stepped forward, trying to calm the situation. "What do you mean, Amalgamous?" Amal looked at the Prime while huffing. "Back when this thing happened to me, there were many things we had to take precautions on when putting Cybertronian metal in my human body, because with that metal, you need Energon. There's no way out of it." Amal explained as she rolled up her sleeve.
"So when we had a first kind of 'trial run' with my new gear, it failed because I needed Energon intake, thus enforcing Knockout to create a seperate stomach that takes in Energon that goes straight to the metal in my body." Amal explained as she pulled the system out of her forearm, showing her vitals to the Autobots.
"If this is so important, how come Jack hasn't showed any kinds of bad symptoms before?" Ratchet asked. "Because he doesn't need as much as me. But because it's been so long since he first got it, it's going to start showing. And soon, it would—" Amal paused, sighing. "End badly." She finishes. The Autobots exchanged worried glances as Megatron straightened up.
"Then why don't we try and locate our trusty doctor then, hm?"
Amal gazed at the large screen in front of her, frowning as Soundwave typed onto it, trying to find Knockout's hidden signal. "You think Knockout is smart enough to mask her signal for this long?" Amal asked the silent femme. Soundwave looked at her and shrugged. Amal grumbled as she turned back to the screen.
Amal hopped off the panel, making her way to the door as it opened to reveal the Warlord. "Any luck locating Knockout?" He asked as he scooped up Amal, who whined in protest. "Hey! I was going to her lab to find—" the Warlord drowned out her complaints as he came up next to Soundwave as she completed typing.
The computer beeped as it showed a clear sight of where Knockout was. Amal gazes at it before busting out laughing. Megatron looked at her funny as Soundwave glanced at her for a split second.
"Oh that's rich! She actually went there!" Amal exclaimed as she sat on her butt in Megatron's palm to laugh. "I would assume you know of this place then?" Megatron grumbled in annoyance.
"Hell yea I do. We talked about this all the time! This was gonna be our retirement plan!" Amal told Megatron as she calmed down, still giggling a bit. "And where is it, exactly?"
Amal giggled before gazing at the screen.
"New Orleans, Louisiana! Party city, baby!"
Guys omg, almost 4.5k?? Thank you so much for this rapid growth in popularity! I'm so glad y'all are liking this book, I'm very satisfied with where it's going! Please leave comments and votes, I love reading feedback!

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...