Chapter 27

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"What in the absolute fuck was that?"

"I don't know." Jack said honestly as he pulled Miko and Raf along to hide behind some rocks. "She just flipped a metal Dinosaur!" Miko exclaimed, looking back to watch the fight.

"She's not human then."

"I'm pretty sure she's human, Raf." Jack said bluntly as they sat behind some rocks far from the fight. "No human could do a punch like that." Jack shrugged at Raf, his way of saying he had no clue what to think off her as he looked at the battle happening.

Amal smacked the T-Rex aside like a fly before kicking the raptor in the shout, sending it rolling onto its back. The Triceratops threw her up with its horns and she yelped in surprise while soaring through the air.

"Oh, son of a bitchhhh—" Amal landed on her feet, dodging another attack by the raptor that had recovered from her last blow. Amal jumped, landing on the raptor's head, causing its head to be slammed into the ground.

Amal flipped backwards after seeing the Triceratops charge, causing it to only charge into its fellow Dinobot. The T-Rex roared angrily as it swished its tail. The other two Dinobots stepped back, listening to their leader.

"A little one on one, huh Rex-y?" Amal said with a smirk as the T-Rex snarled and stomped its foot threateningly as smoke puffed out of its nostrils. Amal snickered. "Alright. Let's do a fair fight, Grimlock." Amal said. The T-Rex bared its teeth before roaring and charging.

Amal ran at it, jumping and slamming into the top jaw and making it slam shut. Grimlock smacked her aside with his head, growling as he ran after where she landed on her feet, sliding back. Amal looked up in time to dodge a blow from Grimlock's tail, landing on his back and climbing up to try and get a few wires lose to throw him off balance.

Grimlock roared and attempted to shake her off but Amal hung on tight. The Dinobot growled and rolled over quickly, causing Amal to fly off. Amal grumbled as she landed on the ground clumsily, getting up and dusting herself off.

"Motherfucker, these jeans are practically new!"

Amal grumbled as the raptor charged her from the left, but she just rolled her eyes. The blonde haired girl jumped and kicked its head, sending it flying and slamming into a wall. Energon began to leak from its side that got impacted.

The raptor tried to get up, but its leg was twisted from the impact as well, making it collapse into the dirt, growling a faint 'yield' to Grimlock. Grimlock turned along with the Triceratops and snarled.

"We gonna keep this up or are you gonna just accept the fact I'm kicking your fucking ass?" Amal asked, raising her fists and rotating her shoulder. Grimlock growled lowly to the Triceratops, who turned and stalked over to the raptor in response.

It wasn't till then did Amal realize the difference in the Dinobots.

Amal looked at the Raptor and Triceratops, seeing them with calm, cool blue optics, while the beast that was stomping slowly toward her had harsh purple optics that showed the determination to kill her.

"Oh, I see what's going on here." Amal muttered with a grin before Grimlock roared and charged again. "Man, you just don't fucking give up." Amal said as she jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the Dinobot before it snarled and lunged again.

Looking on at the battle, were the Autobots and Decepticons. Optimus and Arcee were hiding behind some rocks, talking to the others through their com-links.

"Are you seeing this?" Bulkhead exclaimed through the com. "So she's not even human. How many more secrets do we have to go through before we realize she—they, can't be trusted?" Arcee asked through gritted teeth as she tried to cool off the burn on her frame.

"Amalgamous is human."

"No fragging human could ever even come close to what she's doing to this Dinobot!" Arcee hissed through the com to Megatron. "After this battle is over, we will explain everything. But only is Amal wishes to." Megatron told the Autobots through the com-link while he stood on some rocks, looking at the battle going on.

"We would appreciate it, if she is willingly to." Optimus said before cutting off the com link, and watching the battle proceed.

Amal grabbed the Dinobot by the head and swung him to the side. "I can do this all fucking day Grimlock, or you can yield before I put you to your grave!" Amal yelled as the angry T-Rex got up and stomped angrily.

He roared at her and she snarled. "Fine. Have it your way." She said simply as he charged. Amal jumped, kicking the front of his snout, making his head jerk to the right. She spun, using her other leg to kick again before she kicked once more in the frame, sending him flying across the field and slamming harshly into the wall.

Grimlock fell to the ground, laying in defeat on his stomach. He vented harshly, not being able to get up. Amal walked up to him, and he opened his optics, which were changed to he familiar cool blue.

"Welcome back, Grimlock." Amal said as he huffed and relaxed while the other two Dinobots approached. They nudged Grimlock, who creaked, speaking to them. They looked at Amal before back at Grimlock and both seemed to agree with what he said.

The raptor squawked at her, and Amal smiled. "I might have to take you up on that offer, Scorn." She said, and the raptor helped her friend up. The Triceratops let out a rumble, stomping its paws. Amal nodded before the Dinobots spoke to her one last time before limping off into the cave behind them, disappearing from the battle sight.

And now, Amal knew what was going to happen. In fighting the Dinobots, she knew the consequences wouldn't be pretty. But they would've found out soon enough.

It was only just a matter of time before they knew everything.

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