Back on Cybertron, there were tales of a mad Cybertronian scientist that no one had escaped the clutches of ever, that no one knew where his lab was, who's side he was on, or even his name.
Until an Autobot named Hot Rod escaped from him.
Everyone thought it was a miracle, including Hot Rod himself, who didn't even know how he managed to do it. But he told them everything he knew, that one of the scientist's labs was located south of the pits, that he was a Decepticon...and he was named Shockwave.
Ever since then, everyone feared the mech. Even the bravest, fiercest fighters didn't want to run into him after hearing some stories of how they found deceased Autobots and Decepticons. Nobot thought of him to ever have a hint of happiness in him, which was mostly true.
And they were damn well sure to never think of him getting close to anybot.
But they seemed to be wrong when Amalgamous hugged the scrap out of his ped when he walked through the Autobot groundbridge.
"Where you been buddy?" Amal grinned up at him. "Waiting." Shockwave said simply. "For your favorite human to find you?" Amal asked as he picked her up and held her in his servo. Shockwave didn't say anything, but Amal knew if he could, he would be giving the biggest optic roll ever.
"Okay, let's back up a minute—" Arcee started. "Shockwave is the only one experienced in this medical field. It took him years to get it down, and we're lucky he did when it happened." Knockout explained, glancing at Amal for a split second. "I'm not letting him touch Jack." Arcee said defensively, narrowing her optics.
Jack looked confused, a little hurt as well as he looked at his guardian. "Why not?" The black haired boy asked immediately. Arcee looked at him while Knockout turned to Shockwave to explain what had happened, Amal assisting her in to fill in the details of the past few months.
"Because I don't trust him, at all." Arcee told him simply. "So? You didn't trust the Decepticons before this, but we're making progress." Jack told her. "Oh god, I'm not in the mood for this today." Miko mumbled to herself from the couch, rubbing her forehead. Raf sat on the coffee table next to her and watched quietly.
"Shcokwave's different, way different."
"Well, Shockwave can save my life."
Arcee sighed aggressively since she was having a hard time arguing with her companion. She didn't want to see anything bad happen to him of course, but she was having trouble seeing how Shockwave would willingly help Jack without harming him in the process.
"Shockwave's killed Cybertronian's. Many Cybertronians, and I'm not going to let—"
"You have too."
Miko choked on her drink, aggressively sitting up as Raf held his breath from the comment that Jack muttered under his breath. He held a stern look at his guardian, who looked surprised. Bulkhead tapped Miko's back out of concern, but also looking at the others for context on what happened, who all looked equally.
Arcee suddenly looked hurt and angry, before storming off down the hall. "FuCk." Miko coughed out as Raf sighed, putting his head in his hands.
"What did you do?" Ratchet asked Jack, who crossed his arms. "Nothing." He said, clearing his throat as he looked at the Decepticons, who looked equally confused. Megatron took Amal from Shockwave's hold as he finished telling the scientist the Autobots request.
The mech thought for a second. "I believe it can be done again, considering it would be a much simpler surgery." Shockwave told them. Ratchet and Optimus nodded as Bumblebee and Bulkhead looked weary. "Jack." Jack looked up at the Autobot medic.
"Are you alright with going through this procedure?" Ratchet asked. Jack nodded with slight hesitation before smiling slightly. "I guess I gotta tell my mom, huh?" The Autobots chuckled. "I believe that would be wise." Optimus told the young boy.
"Oh Lordy, hide Megatron again or else he's gonna get fucking owned by June again." Amal said from the warlords shoulder. Megatron adjusted his shoulder plate on purpose to throw her off balance and send her rolling off. Starscream luckily caught her, making her twitch when a shock went through her body again at the impact.
Megatron smirked at her, making the blonde haired girl flip him off as Starscream perched her on his shoulder.
Guys?? Already almost 6k?? Good Christ I love y'all! I hope y'all are enjoying Rise so far, please vote and comment, I love reading them!!

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...