Chapter 118

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"Get him on the table."

"He's dead, Tailgate. Look at that, how the hell are we gonna do anything to help him?"


"What? You're gonna look at me and tell me I'm wrong?" Cliffjumper exclaimed with raised servos. "I've seen 'Bots pull through worse." Ironhide said and Cliffjumper sighed and he pinched the bridge of his nose as the other bots helped get Shockwave's lifeless corpse onto the giant operating table in the medical wing of the underground bunker.

"But do we have the supplies? What if nothing happens and we just wasted all of it on him when we could use it in the future?" Cliffjumper argued and Amal knew he was right. She loved Shockwave with all her heart, but she also loved the Cybertronians around her and they were also the only hope to save Cybertron and Earth.

But so was Shockwave, she realized.

"We have to try." Amal said and the Cybertronians looked at her. Cliffjumper sighed. "Fine, boss. Whatever." He said and sat down. Jazz looked up at Mirage, who was across the table that Shockwave's body laid on.

"Get Red Alert back here, now."

Amal looked confused. "Red Alert? The Autobot medic?" She questioned and Jazz nodded to confirm. "When did he get here?" She asked. "About a day before we couldn't get ahold of you, which we want an explanation soon." Amal nodded in agreement as her gaze went back to Shockwave.

Mirage looked up after a moment of holding his comlink. "He wasn't far, he'll be here in a few."

"I hope so..." Amal whispered and wrapped her arms around herself.

"Because I don't wanna lose somebody else I love."


"You're a special one."

"Aw, I'm flattered." Spike said sarcastically, his head lolling to the side. The Cyber Snake transformed in front of him and grinned. "I wouldn't get so wise when we haven't been got started on your interrogation." She hissed, her long, skinny tongue flicking out at every 's'.

"Well, it looks like we're gonna be here awhile so what's your name, Scale-y?" Spike asked as he lifted his blood covered head up weakly. The Cyber Snake hissed with a wide smile of sharp teeth. "Whitevenom." She flicked her tongue out.

"Wow, terrifying. I'm shaking in my boots." Spike said as he laid his head back, trying to ignore the pain in his arms from being held up for so long.

Whitevenom hissed, transforming into her snake form and beginning to circle him. "I heard you worked with the Autobots." She whispered to the brown haired man, her voice seeming to echo in the room. "Oh, silly rumors." Spike mumbled and the Cyber Snake suddenly grabbed him with her tail.

The Marine winced as Whitevenom squeezed around his body, growling low. "So, I see you want to make this a game! Well that is fantastic because I love games!" She hissed with a evil looking smile as she watched Spike wince from the pressure around his body.

Whitevenom chuckled lowly as she let go, opening her mouth and let a liquid drip from the sharp dentas in her mouth.

"So let's start a game of our own, shall we?"

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