Chapter 34

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When the Autobots heard the computer beeped a few times to notify there was a visitor on the room, they mentally prepared themselves for the shit storm that was about to hit the fan. Agent Fowler had left two months ago, only a mere few days before the Decepticons dropped in, so he knew nothing of their presence.

"I'm scared."

"Me too, Miko." Bulkhead said, optics blinking with wideness. The Decepticons were standing by the human area, Megatron leaning against the wall with Soundwave behind him, peeking over his shoulder and his Second in Command standing next to him. Amal was leaning against the Warlord's helm, arms crossed in the same way Megatron's were.

"This is going to be fun!" Amal said sarcastically. "Your definition of fun is way different than mine." Bumblebee said, looking at the blonde haired girl. Amal shrugged. "Trying to lighten the mood."

The elevator dinged and the former Army Ranger stepped out, a sly grin on his face. "Man, has it been a hot second since I've been in here." He said as he walked over to the railing by Ratchet.

"Welcome back, Agent Fowler." Optimus said, noting the agent hadn't noticed of the guest they had. "Good to be back, Prime. The FBI has been all over my tailpipe about this whole deal, it's crazy. But what has happened while I was gone? Hopefully nothing really—" Fowler stopped as he looked over to look at the humans, only to see the Decepticons standing there.

"—stupid..." he trailed off. The Autobots held their breath as the human paled and looked down. He breathed out heavily, shutting his eyes tight. Optimus looked worried. "Agent Fowler, let me explain what—" Fowler held up a finger, making Optimus stop.

The Decepticons didn't say anything and watched the show go down, all with slight smirks on their faces. "Ten bucks, he passes out." Amal whispered. "You're on, my fledgling friend." Megatron whispered sharply back and fist bumped here.

"I'm going to turn around, walk into that elevator and go calmly explain what I have seen. I'm going to trust deep, deep, deep in My American flag painted heart that there is very good reasoning behind this while I tell the Pentagon what is happening." Agent Fowler told them as he leaned up straight.

The Autobots nodded as he turned and walked toward the elevator, standing inside of it and pressing a button. Before the doors closed, he looked at the humans.

"And I'm telling June."

Almost every Autobot and human yelled "NO!" But the elevator doors had shut and it was too late to stop him. Jack put his hand against his forehead. "I'm so fucked." He whispered while Miko shuffled nervously. "June's gonna kick all of our butts." She said.

"Well whatever time she gets here will probably be the time Arcee and I have to go Energon scouting, right?" Bulkhead turned to the Femme. It took her a second before coughing awkwardly. "Oh—uh, yea! Right, Bulk!" She said and Bee whirred while looking at them.

"Nuh uh, fellas, that's my job." The scout said as he walked over to the humans and patted Raf on the head, who looked nervous from Fowler's comment.

Amal grumbled and angrily smacked ten dollars into Megatron servo, making him chuckle and pocket it in his spark chamber. "Who's June?" Amal asked. The Autobots looked at her and chuckled nervously.

"Oh kiddo, you'll know soon enough."

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