"So, what's your stories? How'd you get here? Have you 'Cons and 'Bots always been working together?"
"Miko, sit still." Amal grumbled as she wrapped up her arm tight with bandages. Jack was helping Raf get his eye properly cleaned and wrapped as he glanced up every once in awhile at the Cybertronians that surrounded him.
"I'm curious, aight? I wanna know everything."
"Alright, then let's start with names. You already know 'Lita, Chrom, and Jazz." Jazz clicked with his glossa and gave finger guns and Miko returned them with a wink.
"The Decepticons you see are Astrotrain, Barricade, Thundercracker, Barrage, and the Minicons; Rumble, Frenzy, and Ravage." Amal started as she motioned to the 'Cons on the other side of the table. Rumble gave a peace sign.
"What's up, home slices?"
"Never say that again." Frenzy said and Ravage growled in agreement. "You guys are you...humans but metal." Raf said with slight confusion in his voice as he stood up. "Yea! You're tiny!" Miko said as Amal finished up her bandages and let go of her.
"That's the point, kinda." Rumble said with his servo on his hip. "But isn't the whole point of being a Bot is to be...a big bot."
"Don't let their size fool you. They can still be a nuisance." Astrotrain said and Rumble flipped him off. Ravage huffed as he turned and walked over to Amal, purring as she began to scratch the Cyber Cat before looking back up at the humans and motioning to the remaining Cybertronians.
"The Autobots we got are Cosmos, Gears, Sunstreaker and his twin, Sideswipe—"
"Nah it's Sideswipe and his twin, Sunstreaker."
"Oh shut up—"
"Anyways, there's Mirage, he can turn invisible so watch out for that, Prowl, Jetfire, Beachcomber, Grapple, Inferno, Skids, Topspin, Trailbreaker, Drift, and the Wreckers, Ironhide, Wheeljack, Crosshairs, Seaspray and Hound."
"Wreckers? Sweet! Did you know Bulkhead?" Miko asked excitedly as she stood up quickly and ran over to them. "Of course we know Bulkhead, is he still kicking aft?" Wheeljack asked as the Wreckers lowered down to her height on the table.
"As always. You should've seen the 'Cons he had snuffed awhile back." Wheeljack and Hound chuckled. "Hell yea, that's our Bulkhead." Hound said as he stuck a giant cigar between his dentas.
Jack gazed around in amazement.
"Are these all?"
"All that we could get ahold of so far. Who knows, maybe there'll be more." Amal suddenly looked puzzled before looking around. "Actually, where're the two troublemakers."
"Oh, they're out snagging some Energon."
"Are we low?"
"Nah, we're just fat." Sunstreaker said, making Amal roll her eyes. "I know, spoiled brats."
"So, why're you here?...actually, how are you here?"
Amal smirked as Ravage laid at her feet and pawed at her shoes.
"Let's start from the beginning, shall we?"
As Soundwave stood on the bridge of Unicron's ship, gazing out the windows at the beginning of the enslavement of the humans, in the middle of the peace she felt for a split moment without Unicron forcing her to take orders, her spark jolted.
She leaned over slightly, grabbing it quickly and letting out a small, quiet gasp. She heard faint footsteps quickly approach form behind her.
"Soundwave?" June asked quietly, worry in her voice. Since Soundwave had devoted herself to work for Unicron in exchange to get a meeting with her sparkmate and protect his spark, she had allowed June into the barrier she had built up since the beginning of the war, something very few managed to break.
Soundwave vented out again as it felt as though her spark tightened, like it was being clenched fiercely, making it feel as though it was on fire. She winced, his optics squinted in pain as she held back any noises of the pain she felt in her chest plates.
"What's wrong?" June asked gently while placing a hand on her ped. Soundwave gazed in the direction she felt her spark pull as it suddenly relaxed, slowly but surely until she felt nothing in a certain spot in her spark, as if they had removed it.
And all she did was clenched her servo and vent slowly as she whispered quietly;

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...