Chapter 39

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Amal grumbled when a blinding light flashed into her eyes when she finally awoke the day after their night in New Orleans. She jerked the blanket covering her over her head to shield it, only for it to be ripped away in a span of five seconds.

"Not cool, man. Not cool."

Megatron sat down next to her, chuckling lightly. "I see you're having a great start to the morning as usual." He said sarcastically as the young girl sat up. "A grand time, Megsy. I love the feeling of my brain trying to fight its way out of my head." The Warlord handed her a glass of water that he had brought with him.

"Awww, how sweet of you." Megatron rolled his holoform's eyes. "June suggested it, along with this." He said simply while handing over two pills. "Wow, I didn't think she'd care." Amal said, popping the two pills into her mouth and washing it down with the cold water.

"I'm sure she just wants you in best shape to figure out this whole ordeal." Her best friend said as he stood up. "Probably." Amal said, hollowing suite. "It's fucking hot, man." She suddenly commented, taking off the jacket that she had slept in from the night before.

"That's what your precious drinking substance will do to you." Megatron smirked, making Amal roll her bloodshot eyes. "Whatever. I'm going to go say hi to Knockout, I've missed her." Amal said as she stood up and began towards the door. Megatron sighed and followed quickly.

"Do you remember anything from last night?"


Megatron looked at her with utter defeat in his eyes. "Then you're in for a surprise." He mumbled as they began to approach the main room of the base, getting closer to a faint bickering.

"Bulk, will you chill out?"

"I'm not 'chilling out' until he's out of here."

Amal walked in to see Bulkhead being blocked by some of the Autobots in attempt to calm him, making her frown and look at Megatron with a puzzled look. The Warlord motioned across the room, and Amal followed his gaze. She lit up instantly.

"Breakdown!" She exclaimed, dashing over to the giant mech. Breakdown instantly calmed down from pure happiness of seeing the young girl. "My favorite fleshling!" He said, scooping the blonde girl up, allowing her to hug his digit. "How you been, Gam?" He asked excitedly.

"I've had better days."

The mech laughed as Knockout approached the two, smirking slightly. "Knockout! It's good to see you sober!" Knockout chuckled as Amal hopped onto her stretched out servo. "Yea, I'm glad to see you are now." The Decepticon medic said as Amal snickered.

Megatron approached in his alt form. The Autobots has stepped away from Bulkhead for a bit, seeing he had calmed down after Breakdown had calmed down.

"So I'm guessing they've explained everything that's gone on around here." Amal asked the two sparkmates. "I'm sure there were a few details left out. But I guess our main concern is that human over there." All eyes went on Jack. He put his hand over his chest.

"Well it ain't my fault."

Amal giggled at the young boy's comment as Knockout approached him with Amal in her servo. "So, what's wrong with him?" Knockout asked simply, looking at Ratchet. "He has a Cybertronian arm, and according to your human here, it requires Energon or bad things could happen. But given my little experience with the human body, we needed your expertise in this field." Ratchet explained. Knockout nodded.

"Well, this actually requires another person. I only operate on him, but I don't know how to build one." Ratchet frowned. "Then who does?" He questioned the femme. Knockout looked at the groundbridge. "If I may?" She asked, motioning to it. The Autobots looked at Optimus, who nodded after a second.

Knockout typed in coordinates before firing it up and talking quietly into her com-link. Everyone looked at the glowing portal, waiting for something.

There was a faint stomping coming through, almost rhythm like. As it drew nearer, it started to become familiar and the Decepticons smirked as the Autobots suddenly looked concerned.


"It...can't be—?"

And suddenly Amalgamous grinned widely and jumped from Knockout's servo as the Cybertronian came through and met the Autobots optics, all of them suddenly feeling very uneasy. Amal ran to the mech.


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