"Say hello to the city that never sleeps, bucko's!"
Amal breathed in deeply before exhaling happily. "I love the smell of wasted white people in the morning!"
"It's evening."
"Shut it, Stiletto."
Starscream rolled his holoforms eyes deeply, adjusting the collar of his shirt as he looked around at the drunk, stumbling humans who were looking for friends to meet. "Do you humans always have to show others that you are capable of being so...pea-brained?" Starscream asked in disgust. "It's part of the alcohol experience, Starscream. Humans love getting wasted and just having a good time, wether it's playing games, meeting friends or meeting—" Amal looked at two men who were flirting drunkly to each other.
"The point of you two easily distracted baffoons being here is to find the only medic to save the Autobot humans life, so will you please focus on Knockout's signal?" Megatron grumbled over the com-link. "Relax, Megsy. Starscream and I are getting close to Knockout's signal. She's gotta be either below this crowd or above. Either way, we'll find her." Amal told the Warlord as she grabbed Starscream's hand and started navigating through the crowd on the street.
"The signal should be about...here." Amal stopped after a minute and stood in the crowd as the signal beeped louder in her ear to indicate that Knockout should be nearby. She gazed around alongside Starscream, who was able to see slightly farther over the crowd from his height.
"Maybe she's underneath...or in a building."
"A gigantic robot inside one of those buildings?" Amal asked as she gave Starscream a look. He simply shrugged while frowning as Amal sighed deeply. "Nah. She's definitely here, in this crowd."
As the young human turned her head to try and see through the crowd, she spotted a red spot through the crowd of people that was making its way on through the partygoers. "C'mon babes." Amal said as she began to follow it. Starscream quickly followed her as they began to make their way through
With his focus on following Amal, Starscream wasn't aware of how close some of the humans around him got as he bumped into one. "Sorry." He mumbled and tried to continue when the human grabbed his wrist. Starscream glared at him and yanked his hand away.
"You looking for a fight, skinny boy?" The drunk man asked, people starting to gaze over at the tension that brewed. "No." The seeker said simply. "Well the fights looking for you!" The man said with a evil grin before punching the Cybertronian in the cheek. Starscream stumbled back, holding his face as he glared at the man.
"Hey, leave him alone you dick weed!" Amal growled, shoving Starscream behind her. "This your boyfriend or something?" The man asked Amal. "Brother." She said, crossing her arms. "What's a pretty lady like you doing without a date?" The man slurred, smirking as he reached to her. Amal smirked back.
"She's looking to kick ass."
"I swear to Primus. Can't get one simple duty done so this human doesn't die. Turning off com-links and not finding Knockout." The warlord grumbled as he navigated is way through the crowded streets to find Amal and Starscream.
"Heyyyyyy Megsy."
Megatron stopped and turned to the source of the voice, only to see his trusty human companion sitting on the sidewalk with a pack of frozen meat against her face, a seeker's beaten and bruised holoform next to her and a redheaded woman checking them over.
"Amalgamous, what did you do?" Megatron asked as he approached them. "I-I saved Starscream ass, that's what I did. Thi-this guy was all—all like, 'you looking to fight, skinny?' And Starscream is, is smart so he was like 'nahhh' an-and so the guy took a swing at him, and so I, me, went over and taught that guy a lesson." Amal said, motioning with her hands what happened before hiccuping.
Megatron looked at Starscream. "We found Knockout from the fight and she insisted on some drinking." Starscream told him as Amal hiccuped again while rubbing her good eye. "It was only-hicc-light drinking." She slurred, waving her finger at the Warlord.
"I gave her some pain killers too, that's why she even more loopy than usual." The redhead said. "And-And they work-hicc-amazing doc." Amal said, hugging the redheads leg. She sighed heavily. "It is good to have you back, Knockout." The redhead smiled. "It's good to see you guys again, I was worried those Autobots captured you for good."
Megatron's smile of happiness faded to a nervous one. "Well—" "oh, we didn't-hicc- tell you Knock's? Bro, we're-we're helping-hicc- those bitches not let this planet be destroyed." Amal said as she hugged Megatron's leg. Knockout's eyes widened. "You what now?" She asked.
"We're like the Scooby gang." Amal giggled as Megatron patted her head to shut her up. "Why don't you round up any others that followed you and we'll explain everything, hm?" The warlord asked. Knockout hesitantly nodded before going off back through the drunken crowd, out of sight.
Megatron sighed as he ruffled Amal's hair. "You just can't let me do the talking, can you Amal?" He grumbled. "I'm sorry. I just thought-hicc- it'd be fun to explain." Amal said innocently before yawning. "I'm tired." She mumbled before almost immediately drifting off. Megatron sighed as he sat down next to her and guided her body to lean against him while they waited for their trust medic to return with the troops she escaped with.
"You have to admit, she's funny when she is intoxicated."
"Indeed she is, my faithful seeker."

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...