Chapter 6

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Amal read the information on the computer Ratchet was looking at, taking a picture every once in awhile so she could show the info to Megatron later.

Amal almost opened her mouth to talk to Ratchet when the computer beeped and Optimus's voice came through. "Ratchet! Bring us back, quickly!" The mech said, a hint of worry in his voice. Ratchet opened the ground bridge in one swift motion, allowing the Autobots to come through.

The Autobots rushed through, Optimus following in his vehicle mode. He transformed, landing on his feet swiftly. 'Wow, show off.' Amal thought to herself with a smirk. 'Megatron did say at one point they had things in common...'

Amal snapped out of her thoughts when the ground bridge closed, and the Autobot base was quiet again.

"What happened?" Ratchet questioned. The Autobots were silent for a split second while they looked at Arcee. "Arcee, what did you see?" Optimus asked calmly. "Not Cliff. At least, not anymore. It wasn't him, he was a monster, he—he—" Arcee would've fallen to the ground but Bumblebee caught her, whirring his concern.

"You okay?" Bee asked. "I'm fine. Just—dizzy." Arcee said, sitting down. Ratchet scanned over her body a bit until he narrowed it down to a purple substance on her servo. "What is this?" Ratchet hummed, scrapping it off her hand. "I don't know. Cliff was covered in it, leaking it." Arcee responded, eyes drooping heavily.

"Go take a decontamination bath, quickly." Ratchet commanded. Arcee left with the help of Bumblebee, and that's when all optics laid on Amal.

"What? Do I have something in my teeth?" Amal said, covering her mouth. "Ratchet, did you—" "Yes, yes, and she's taking it quite well for a human." Ratchet grumbled in response.

"And you're being pretty sassy for an alien robot." Amal retorted. Bumblebee laughed while walking back in the room. "She's got attitude, Ratchet. You better watch it or she'll out sass you." Bumblebee said while turning to Bulkhead.

"Hell yea I've got attitude." Amal said while leaning against the railing. It took a second to process in everyone's helm what had happened before Bumblebee spun around, optics wiring in surprise.

"DID YOU JUST UNDERSTAND ME?" The young scout exclaimed while dashing over to her. Amal looked at him weird. "Yea, is there supposed to be a reason I can't?" Amal questioned. Bumblebee scooped her up, spinning around on his peds to face Optimus.

"We're keeping her." Bumblebee announced, holding her up. Ratchet groaned. "Nooooo. We don't have room for another—" "Ratchet, you know protocol." Optimus cut in, giving him a look. Ratchet glared at him while muttering "yes, yes."

"What is your name?" Optimus questioned. "Emily." Amal made up, grinning while standing up in Bumblebee's servo. "Emily, my name is Optimus Prime. This is our scout, Bumblebee." Optimus introduces. "Our wrecker, Bulkhead. And Arcee. And I'm sure you already know Ratchet."

"Yes, Ratchet and I have gotten pretty close from the time I arrived." Amal said, smirking at the medic. Ratchet rolled his optics, turning back to his computer.

"I am unsure of all that Ratchet has told you, Emily, but our protocol is in order to assure your safety, you are to stay under our protection. Unless you wish otherwise." Optimus explained. Amal nodded, putting on her act.

"But, for human life, we understand you need to do different everyday needs, such as school and—" "nah, it's cool dude. I'm not in school." Amal cut him off. Bumblebee raised her up to his optics.

"How old are you?" He asked her. "16." She responded. "I thought humans don't usually leave high school till 18?" The scout questioned. "Never went to school." Amal responded, which was actually the truest thing she'd said to them so far.

They all looked at her confused. "Never?" Bumblebee questioned. Amal shook her head to confirm his question. "May I ask why?" Optimus said, puzzled. "Can't afford it. Plus I move around here and there, I usually stay in old building or abandoned construction sites. That's how I stumbled on your pals in that mine." Amal allied through her teeth, shrugging innocently.

"Where are your parents?"

Amal shrugged, which was another truth of hers to them, but not that they would know the difference. "Could be alive, thriving, or smoking, selling illegals, or dead. Who knows. Never met them, don't want to either. They dumped me in a scrap yard." Another true statement out of the blonde girls mouth.

"That's..." Bulkhead trailed off. "Hey, no big deal. Don't want your sympathy. I'm tired of people doing that, it's boring. I don't need them. Now, let's get to the real stuff." Amal said, climbing up onto Bumblebee's shoulder, who helped her a bit.

"Who were the goons in that mine?" Amal asked, starting up her clueless act again. "As I mentioned earlier, Emily, those 'goons' are loyal to Megatron, the warlord I mentioned before." Ratchet explained while turning around from the computer.

"They call themselves Decepticons. And they are responsible for this war starting." Ratchet said with venom in his voice. It took everything in Amal's body to not defend her family, but she bit her tongue and put on a puzzled look before Optimus spoke up.

"But we are going to be the ones to finish it, hopefully peacefully." The Prime said. Amal actually put on a face of shock. 'Peacefully?' She thought to herself. 'Megatron always says that's the opposite of what the Autobots want.'

Amalgamous shook herself out of her thoughts, thinking quickly. "Ratchet mentioned I was 'another', so are there other humans around here?" Amal asked. Optimus nodded to confirm her question. "We have four other human allies. One of which is apart of your government, Agent William Fowler, who helps ensure we can protect your planet safely and under the radar."

"As in, secretly? Like no one knows of your existence?" Amal wondered. Optimus nodded. Amal frowned. She was weirded out by some of the differences. Megatron never thought of disguise, unless it was for a ambush. He loved being center of attention, and Amal knew that.

"Our other human allies are young, two about your age, Jack and Miko, and a younger one named Rafael." Optimus informed the young girl while walking over to the computer. "Cool. How long have they been with you guys?" Amal asked.

"7 months, 3 days, 12 hours, 2 minutes and 35 seconds." Bumblebee answered. Bulkhead and Ratchet gave the scout a weird look. "What? I have to make sure to celebrate the anniversaries!" Bumblebee defended himself, making Amal laugh.

"For our human allies, each one has their guardian, and you will too." Optimus started. Amal looked at Bee, grinning. "Sorry, girlie. I'm taken." Bumblebee said, shrugging. Amal gasped dramatically. "Dang, the good ones are always taken." Amal joked.

"Awww, stop. You're making me blush."

Amal snickered before Optimus continued on. "Bulkhead is Miko's guardian, and Arcee is Jack's." Optimus went on before looking at Ratchet. The medic's optics widened. "Oh, no no no. I have much better things to worry about than a human." Amal scoffed.

"God he's so fucking blunt I could smoke him if I had a lighter on me."

Optimus nodded after thinking about it for a second. "Then, I suppose it will be my responsibility to protect you. Very well." Optimus said as he looked at Amal. Amal grinned up at him.

"I can already tell this is gonna be a fun ride!"

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