Amalgamous angrily glared at the wall, aggressively wiping away the bright blue tears that flowed down her face. She sniffles bitterly, mumbling to herself. "God you're stupid, why're you crying?" She mumbled out loud To herself while hugging her legs close to her chest.
Through her sniffling and chocked up coughs, she didn't hear the footsteps that approached the room she was in that had been given to her to sleep in. Starscream watched the girl for a second before talking to tell her of his presence.
"That's a pretty interesting wall." He said as he approached behind her. She chuckled through the tears. "That's my line." She said as Starscream stood next to her and looked down at her.
"I thought you told me you had control of your emotions." Starscream said, making her reflect back on one of their past conversations. "I lied." Amal said, and Starscream held out his hand to help her up. Amal took it, allowing him to stand her up.
"And what did I tell you when we had that conversation?" He said, wiping away her tears with the sleeve of his shirt. Amal sniffled sadly while slumping her shoulders. "To never let them see your worst ones." She repeated to him. "Exactly." Starscream straightened her trench coat before proceeding to tilt her chin up.
"For a usually heartless mech, you sure do know how to be a counselor, you dumb seeker."
Starscream chuckled, dropping his arms to his side. "So I've been told here and there." He said, running his hand through his holoform's gray hair.
The door to Amal's room opened again and closed after Soundwave stepped it, a blank expression on her face as always. "Oh, great. It's a pity party. A fucking pity party for little, broken Amalgamous over here who can't seem to keep her emotions in check." Amal said, waving her hands over her head bitterly.
Soundwave walked in front of her while she ranted, finally silencing her as she opened her arms, offering them to her. Amal collapsed into them, sniffling again and gripping onto the femme's arms with all her might.
"I don't know what to do, Sound's." She whispered, and Soundwave rested her chin on top of the young girls head. The Femme said nothing like always as she ran her fingers through her hair to comfort the girl she had watched grow up.
Though the Femme didn't show it, but she cared for the human a lot more than most the Decepticons did. And she'd be damned if anyone thought she would stand by and watch the blonde haired girl breakdown all at once without helping.
Starscream rested a hand on top of her head and ruffled it gently as a kind gesture before patting her back while she sniffled in Soundwave's arms.
Eventually, the door opened again and Megatron stepped through, looking pissed and annoyed all at once, which was never a good combination if they were back on the Nemesis.
But at the moment, they weren't. They were in the Autobot base, longing to be in their alt form and longing to be back on the warship.
The emotions Megatron felt faded away when he saw the young girl he cared for practically collapsed in Soundwave's arms, her sniffles the only thing breaking the silence in the room.
Starscream looked at him and shook his head, and Megatron understood what he said while he approached the girl and his Third in Command.
Without hesitation, Amal transferred from Soundwave to Megatron in a spark beat, catching the Warlord by surprise. He slowly wrapped his arms around her small frame and rested his cheek atop her head as she shook under his hold.
"I wanna go home, Megs." She whispered, and his spark ached as it reminded him on when she was so small and so scared of the world around her when unexplained things happened that she wanted to fix. And it made him feel so hollow on the inside, because nothing he could do could reverse what he felt he had caused.
"I know, Amal." He said, holding her tighter as she did the same. He looked up at his Second and Third in Command, who had sad and angry expressions on their faces, which made Megatron sigh as he shut his eyes.
"I do too."

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...