Breakdown swallowed as him and a young girl next to him stood outside the doors of the main control room. "I'm not going first." He whispered and the blonde haired girl flared up at him.
"So you let the 10 year old go first? To get her ass whooped."
"Take one for the team."
"I always take one for the team."
"I'll buy you French Silk ice cream."
"Done." The young girl said to the blue mech as the door opened and Starscream stepped out with a hard look on his face and his arms crossing. The girl smiled sheepishly.
"Hi babes."
Amal swallowed as she heard his loud voice echo from the front of the room and she looked at the second in command for help. "Better now than later." He said with a head motion toward his leader. Amal sighed before stepping in as Starscream stepped out, allowing the door to shut.
Amalgamous slowly made her way toward the tall mech standing near the controls before stopping behind him. "Amal—"
"If you yell at me, I'm gonna cry."
Megatron sighed as he turned around to her. "So then, what do you have to say for yourself." He crossed his arms. Amal twiddled her thumbs and she rocked back and forth on her feet with her gaze at the ground.
"I just wanted to help."
"Help by almost exposing an entire Energon mining operation? And almost harming half the troops?"
Amal felt the guilt hit her. "I didn't mean to—to set everything off...I just, tripped and hit the controls of the drill and it just...went." She explained while trying to choke back the tears of the pressure she felt. Megatron sighed and pinched between his optics.
"Well, what am I supposed to do? All I do is stay in the ship! 'Amal we're going on a Energon trip.' 'Can I come?' 'No, stay with knockout!'. 'Amal, the Autobots are here, get back to the ship and stay with Soundwave!' Amal, stay here. Amal, go there. It's never 'Amal, where do you wanna go?'." The young girl finished angrily with a drop of her arms and a loud, shaky breath.
Megatron sighed and dropped his arms. "Amalgamous, it's for your safety—" "that's what you always say! I've grown up on a Decepticon warship...I've been in danger pretty much all my life, from energon splashes, to being stepped on, to falling from high places, and now that I finally have something in me to prevent the worst, you don't let me do anything!"
Amal exhaled heavily before crossing her arms angrily. "I don't wanna be useless...I was a real Decepticon would." Megatron raised his optic ridges as he watched her try to hold back tears.
"Is this what this is about? You compared to the Decepticons?"
Amal huffed with no response, but Megatron knew what she wanted to say, making him sigh. "Amalgamous, I know I tell you over and over how much I worry about your safety, how we all do. And you're right, I shouldn't hide you from it. That's why Starscream and I have been thinking—" Amal glanced at him for a brief moment.
"...thinking about seeing how far this new body of yours can go. And if all is the same to what Shockwave claims it can be, then you would assist us, after proper training." Amal perked up and finally looked at him while uncrossing her arms.
Megatron nodded and the girl grinned with a sniffle. "But, Amalgamous, I want you to know—" the warlord started as he kneeled down to her. "No matter what you may think, or what others may think, never, ever, think of yourself as less than the others around you. You know why?" Amal shook her head with a frown and Megatron poked her lightly with his digit.
"Because you are, and always will be, a Decepticon."
Guys!!! I love you all so much, thank you for 48k reads and for all the votes and comments! I love reading them :) you guys are so amazing and I'm so happy with how this book has turned out! I never thought I'd get this far with it! Happy 100th chapter, and thank you all for reading :) <33

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...