Ratchet entered back in the room they kept Amal in, his mouth open and ready to start telling her what the process would be like before he saw the scene in front of him and stopped in his tracks.
For the first time since before the war, a genuine smile appeared on Ratchet's face as he saw Amal and Optimus laying next to each other in her bed with the blonde haired girls head on his shoulder and with the Prime's head resting on top of hers, both fast asleep.
The medic backed out quietly and looked down the hallway to the straight shot of the main room where Miko stood, talking to Spike and his team.
Ratchet snapped his fingers to get her attention and it worked. Miko looked and frowned at him as he motioned her over. The pink haired girl came over and Ratchet put his finger over his lips to tell her to be quieter.
"What's up, Ratchy?" She whispered and the medic motioned to her somebody taking a picture before thumbing into the room next to him. Miko peaked in and gushed.
"Oh my god, that's adorable." She said before whipping out her phone and snapping a few pics. Miko giggled and made sure they were saved before putting her phone away. "I gotchu, Ratch." She said with a wink before they looked back at the scene.
"It's good to see them happy." Miko said and Ratchet nodded in agreement.
"For the first time in a long time."
"Gosh, Spike! It's so good to finally see you again!" Bumblebee gushed as he stood in front of Spike. "Yea, it's been awhile! You've missed quite a bit." Spike said and Bumblebee grabbed his left hand to look at the ring on it.
"Yea, I definitely have! How long?" He asked the Marine and Spike smiled. "About 2 years now. We haven't had a proper wedding tho..." Spike trailed off and Bumblebee's eyes widened. "No wedding? We can't allow that! Once this is over, Miko and I will throw you the biggest wedding on the planet." Bumble exclaimed while looked at Chip then to Spike and the two smiled.
"Whatever you say, Bee."
"Would you please come help me instead of standing around? As much as I love seeing Spike again, we cannot forget that this planet is being attempted to be taken over! Now, I just finished Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen's holoforms, would you two please go get them?" Ratchet urged and the scout and Marine nodded.
"Still grumpy old Ratchet." Spike said as he and Bumblebee began to walk out. Bumblebee smiled as they neared the entrance.
"You said it."
"This body is...constricting." Ultra Magnus frowned and Miko's jaw dropped. "And I thought Optimus was hot." She whispered and Jack gave her a weird look. "You're weird."
"You can't deny their holoforms are the best looking things on the planet." Miko told him and Jack looked back at Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen trying out their new bodies.
"Fair enough."
"Yo, this is wicked!" Smokescreen said as he wiggled his fingers. "I can get into tiny places now! That's so fun!" He said and Miko giggled. "Wait till we tell him what mice are." She said and Jack snickered.
"Now that we are able to blend in, where is Optimus?" Ultra Magnus asked. "Mmm, I like a man who gets straight to the action." Miko purred and Jack snorted in attempt to cover his laughter.
"Miko, that's nasty."
"Amal's said wayyyyy worse."
"Optimus is over here. Come." Shockwave motioned as he went down the hallway and Ultra Magnus hesitated. Ratchet noticed and followed Shockwave so the commander didn't feel uncomfortable.
It worked and Ultra Magnus took his side as they made their way to a room in the hallway.
"So then, basically, I sucker punched the motherfucker, knocking him off the gorge, and saving the day!"
"That's not how it went at all." Starscream said from next to the blonde haired girls bed. "Of course it is, maybe you don't remember correctly cause you were too busy getting yourself unstuck from under the rocks." Starscream rolled his eyes as Shockwave entered the room with Ratchet and a new face following.
"Ohhh, hottie alert. Ratch, you bring me a new boyfriend?" Amal asked and the doctor rolled his eyes. Optimus chuckled from his spot still next to Amal, both of them sitting up in the bed.
"Optimus." Ultra Magnus nodded his head respectfully and the Prime looked surprised as he sat up and took his feet off the bed. "Commander?" He said in surprise as he stood up. Ultra Magnus, still not used to seeing others in their holoform, looked the Prime up and down and said:
"Sir, you're looking...robust."
Amal's eyes widened. "He's gay?" She whispered in sadness and Starscream smacked her arm. "It's been a long time, Ultra Magnus." Optimus said and the commander nodded.
"It has been. I've been scavenging galaxies in search of Autobots until I found my way coming here when a blast caught my notice." Ultra Magnus explained and Optimus nodded. "It is good to have a new Autobot among us."
"Two, actually." Ratchet said while checking Amal's vitals and Optimus raised an eyebrow at him. "A young one named Smokescreen. We don't know his story yet." Ratchet told him and Optimus nodded.
"Hey, introduce me! I'm worth noticing!" Amal said, lightly hitting Optimus's arm. "Ultra Magnus, this is another human ally named Amalgamous." Ultra Magnus frowned slightly.
"A human named after a Prime?" He asked as Amal stretched out her hand. "That's me. Call me Amal, hot stuff." Starscream rolled his eyes again as the two shook hands.
"My name is Ultra Magnus."
"Well, you look like hot stuff." Amal said as they let go of each other's hands and she flopped back down onto her bed as the commander looked slightly annoyed.
"I wanna meet the other Autobot, pleaseeeee." Amal begged Optimus and he raised his eyebrows. "You'll have to ask Ratchet." Amal looked at the Doctor with big puppy dog eyes.
"Ratchet, with all my spark and soul, I beg you to release me from this bed and allow me to please walk out there on my own to say hi. What if I am to die on the operating table and go without greeting this new autobot? What will he think of me? A rude, selfish, no good, lying son of a bi—"
"Oh my primus, Amal. You could've just asked nicely!"

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...