"Absolutely not."
"June, let me explain—"
"There is nothing to explain here, Will." The Autobots almost went silent at June's use of Fowler's real name but Optimus spoke up. "At times like this, we could use any extra helping hand. He would never see real combat, but there are places on this earth that us Cybertronians simply cannot reach. Human help would be our best choice."
Arcee looked at June. Despite her still being upset at Jack, she still wanted what was best for Jack. And with his new arm, him just sitting around, with it barely being used wasn't an option. It needed exercise, and lots of it.
"Jack knows what it's like out there. He's not like Miko—"
"—and wouldn't mindlessly wander. He can be trained to get out of any situation that he can't handle, and faster than any Cybertronian." Arcee explained, making June huff. "And by who?" She questioned, looking at Fowler. "Pardon?" Fowler frowned.
"Who would he be trained by?" She asked angrily. All optics went to Amalgamous, who was sitting on the railing, dangling her feet off the edge. June looked at her for a split second before clenching her first and stepping forward.
Amal looked offended. "And why not?" She asked, leaning forward. June huffed. "I barely let having Jack here with you guys here slide, but I'm not letting him have one on one time with you practicing fighting him."
"Because you wanna protect your little boy from all the dangers in the world, don't you?" Amal growled, crossing her arms and legs. June glared up at her. "News flash, June, he's different now. He's not like normal humans anymore. He needs to be out there, getting stuff done because it's what his pipes need or else they'll just rust into nothing. He's not even a kid anymore, when are you gonna realise he won't need you soon?"
June stared up at her, a burning look in her eyes that Amal met. She softened her expression and sighed harshly. "Fine." The Autobots optic ridges raised in confusion. "Whatever Jack wants to do then. I don't care...just keep him safe." And with that, June turned and walked down the hallway, letting the silence of the room be filled by the door slamming behind her as she didn't look back.
Jack gazed around the room nervously as Amal walked to the center of the room, fiddling with her wrist. "So...one on one training...in this large of a room?" Jack asked, looking at her as he followed the young blonde to the center. "Yup." Amal said, not glancing up.
"I'm a little nervous, not gonna lie."
"I'll go easy."
"Well Primus, I would hope so." The black haired boy said, flexing his fingers. Despite having the arm for a good month now, he still wasn't used to it as he felt like he should be. When he asked Ratchet about it, expecting there to be something wrong, the medic told him it was more likely caused by the uneasy feeling Jack has been denying about it.
Of course, Jack shrugged it off then and denied it. But now that he was about to start training against a girl who was raised to fight by the gladiator of the Pits of Koan...he figured Ratchet was right, and that he had to fix it fast if he was to ever get out in the field.
"No offense Amal, but isn't there something, or someone, a little easier to go up against? You've been doing this all your life, I'd rather not get a concussion on the first day." Jack said truthfully. Amal gave him a look. "Like who? Megsy-poo over there? He's been itching to practice his human fighting skills." Jack looked at the warlord who he didn't notice was sitting on the balcony in the room with Miko and Raf a few feet away, all of them dangling their legs.
Megatron rolled his holoform's eyes, leaning on the railing. Jack shook his head quickly as he looked back at the young blonde girl. "Exactly...well, I guess there is someone easier." Amal went out of the room quickly, leaving Jack to look at Miko and Raf in confusion, who shrugged.
The door to the room opened again and was followed by a string of curse words. "Amal, no! I don't feel like doing some stupid aft—" "oh just shut it, it's close to your monthly training anyway, so just get it over with."
Jack suddenly grew nervous as he realized who he was going to go up against.
Knockout blew her holoform's fiery red hair out of her face angrily, hugging and crossing her arms as she looked at Jack before sighing.
"Alright, let's get this over with."

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...