Chapter 150

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The allies were awaiting anxiously for the results of the humans decision on Optimus's proposition.

One one hand, it could be the treaty they were looking for: Cybertron and Earth coexisting together to help advance both societies. On the other hand, it could be just a simple stalemate treaty where they agree to go separate way. And on the other other hand, they could completely throw both out the window and deny Cybertronians any rights to step foot on Earth again.

Amal was sitting next to Megatronus on her left side and Jack, Miko, and Raf on her other side. She huffed anxiously, her leg bouncing.

"Relax, Amalgamous."

The blonde haired girl looked at the new Prime. "I don't know how I could be." She said. "Optimus knows what he's doing." Megatronus said with an arm slouch on the back side of her chair.

"I don't doubt so."

"He's got charm. I think they'll be whoo'd over by his looks and words." Jack said with his arms crossing. The door opened and everybody sat up as Optimus's holoform walked out.

"So?" Miko asked as the grim look on his face made everybody's heart drop.

"They...denied the act."

Everyone stared, their breaths hitching.

"You're joking."

"After everything we did—?"

"I tried to explain, but your leaders did not want to listen. They were harsh and strict about how much they wanted us off this planet. Agent Fowler and General Bryce tried to speak up for us and what we did but they didn't care."

Amal could tell the long time Prime was crushed and she stood up, resting a hand on his arm. "You did everything you could, Optimus."

"But not enough."

"You can still visit right? And vise versa?" Raf asked hesitantly. Optimus couldn't even look at them as he looked so defeated.

"You're fucking kidding." Jack breathed out. "They want to go complete separate ways, pretend it never happened." Optimus told them. "They want to erase and complete part of history? One that we lost millions because of?" Amal exclaimed.

Optimus nodded and Amal clenched her fist.

"That's fucking bull—"

The doors slammed open and everybody looked at them to see Fowler.

"Amal, they want to talk to you."


"It's almost the complete same people that viewed your speech and they said they'd listen to what you have to say before they make a final verdict." Fowler told her and gave a small smile.

"No pressure."

Amal looked at the doors then back. "I don't know if —"

"Amalgamous!" Megatronus grabbed her shoulders and she blinked in surprise. "Just—stop saying stuff like matter the outcome, just remember what I said...the first road trip to the pentagon."

Amal smiled a bit and nodded before Fowler motioned for her to go first and she walked past him into the giant room they had slapped together just for the soul purpose of having this meeting.

The doors shut and Amal looked at the man at the stand, recognizing him as the one she had talked to before, next to many others with hard looks on their place.


The young girl smiled as he said her name. "Ladies, gentlemen." She said cooly. "Before we pass an agreement, they agreed to let them hear your side of the story of how this happened. We've had many come forward with evidence and words saying you saved Earth and...Cybertron."

"So i've been told."

"A lot here don't want these titans on our world at all. They think either any is dangerous or that even having the good ones could cause more harm. Fowler argued with this and said we were wrong."

"And he's correct." Amal said with a nod of her head. "Elaborate on that." Amal huffed. "I spent time with Unicron in disguise. I learned his army up and down undercover in order to analyze our best play of action. Unicron didn't have just cybertronian allies."

The humans eyes widened. "He had human allies?" The man asked and Amal nodded. "People who were loyal just so they could do what they please. Unicron let them run this world with free will so long as they kept others in check as well. Sending away the cybertronians on your side will only increase our chances of losing against any of unicron's allies. Be they cybertronian or human."

"And what about the clean up of this mess?"

"Cybertronians are willing to help just as much here as they their own planet. Cybertron and Earth are connected. Nothing can change that." Amal said and the humans looked at each other.

"What about the decepticons?" Another world leader asked and Amal grimaced. "So that's still in play? Decepticons names being slandered?"

"They could've destroyed our world at some point."

"How many enemies to allies has this planet had? Decepticons we're put under a bad rep by a corrupt system, just as any of the allies that fought for our freedom from Unicron will be if you pass this act." Amal told them fiercely.

"I had autobots, decepticons, predacons, seekers, hell, even humans fighting alongside me in the battle for freedom. Everybody there just wanting to put an end to Unicron and unite two worlds destined to be connected." Amal looked around the room.

"In the end, 8 new leaders rose to help bring peace to a war that lasted far too many eons because of a corrupt system that created it. Four Decepticons became Prime's, hand chosen by Primus to lead all Cybertronians
and humans."

"And who were the Decepticons?"

"Frenzy, Starscream, Megatron—"

Amal narrowed her eyes up at the humans.

"—and me."

Amal turned to walk out the door.

"So think about this wisely before you make the wrong choice."

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