Chapter 12

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"A Predacon? Like the Cybertronian Dragons you told me about?" Amal asked in amazement as the tiny creature squawked and wiggled around to get out of Megatron's servo.

"Yes, Indeed. But, I never expected one so small." Megatron commented as he let the Predacon back onto the floor. Amal climbed down his servo and hopped off onto the floor before Megatron could stand up again.

"My plan was to grow the Predacon full sized in its chamber, but my calculations were wrong and when it was time for it to be 'born', it arose as a sparkling. But i checked back on my research, and it will grow, but with time. Only a Human year, at least." Shockwave explained.

Amal looked at the Predacon, cocking her head as she studied it. The Predacon looked at her and copied her movement, creaking in interest. "Man, he's like...little and he's already got the teeth of a full grown wolf." Amal commented. The predacon sniffed the air near her before standing and striding closer to her.

Then, it jumped toward her. Amal screamed and scrambled out of the way, and the Predacon landed where she originally was, sliding across the floor. It yelped, slowly sliding to a stop and grumbling as it stood up.

Amal crosses her arms in annoyance as she walked up to the Predacon. The Predacon wagged it's tail, squawking in happiness as she approached it. "It's kinda cute. Like a little puppy." Amal commented as she kneeled down to it.

"Amal, Predacons were some of the fiercest warriors of time, they are not to be—"

"Who's a good little predacon?" Amal cooed as she grabbed the face of the metal creature. The predacon squawked happily and leaned into her touch. She scratched it happily, smiling as it shook its leg in pleasure.

"It is good that you are bonding with it, then." Shockwave commented. Amal turned around, her back facing the predacon, to give Shockwave a frown.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because this is your task." Shockwave stated simply. Amal continued to frown before she put the pieces together and her eyes widened. "Whoa, whoa, want me to...mother this thing?" Amal asked as the Predacon creaked and rubbed against her side.


"Shockwave, buddy, I'm a human. I don't know how to care for a baby Cybertronian—"


"—whatever Screams, the point is, there are plenty of other capable Cybertronians here that could raise this thing. One that knows what they're doing." Amal finished, scratching the Predacon to shut it up. "None of them femmes, though, and none of them so close to leadership positions." Shockwave stated. Amal sighed.

"So, this is what it's about? A female's motherly instinct, isn't it?" Amal questioned. "Correct. Femme's have a natural instinct to bond with a creature with nothing of a sire or carrier feature." Shockwave explained. "And it's the same with humans, is it not?" The scientist questioned. Amal sighed.

"I guess you're right. Then again, when are you wrong?" The blonde haired girl grumbled, turning back to the Predacon. She looked down at it, which it squawked up at her in return to her look she gave it.

"I guess I'm your mother now, kiddo." She mumbled, placing a hand on her hip. The Predacon wagged it's tail happily, squeaking up at her.

"I'm naming it." Amal told them, turning to them. "It is a mech." Shockwave told her as he walked toward his controls. "Why must you name it?" Starscream questioned, rolling his optics. "If I'm gonna mother this thing, I'm damn well gonna name him." Amal snapped, glaring at the seeker.

"Whatever pleases you." Starscream retorted as he stood up straight next to Megatron, who watched the Predacon.

Amal grunted as she picked up the Predacon. The Predacon licked her face happily, making her laugh. "Now, a name...a good that could be fit for a...king..." Amal grinned as she came to a realization.

"That's it..."

The blonde haired girl breathed out and smiled as she held out the Predacon in front of her. "Well?" Megatron asked as she turned to him and held up the Predacon high as it cooed happily. Amal grinned widely as she laughed.


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