Amal fell onto her chest, coughing roughly before she was grabbed by a warm servo. Megatron held onto the blonde haired girl as the base shook again. "What's happening?" Ratchet asked, trying to steady himself as he clung to the wall.
"We don't know." Bulkhead said as he closed down the groundbridge. "Wait, don't—" the base shook again as the groundbridge finally shut and Amal mumbled a string of curse words.
"This is a welcome wagon alright." Jack said as Arcee grabbed him and covered him with her servo as debris began to fall from the ceiling. "Well, uh, we think it's from—"
"Unicron." Knockout said, finally looking at the returning Cybertronians and humans from where she stood in front of the computers. "The Chaos Bringer? How can you be so sure?" Starscream asked wearily, his optics flickering at the computer screen.
"Yesterday, Bumblebee and Breakdown went to investigate a marker on the map of a Cybertronian of unknown origins, one just a few miles out. By then, the groundbridge was able to go that far so we sent them...only to find nothing a hole going straight down. Far down. We couldn't see anything." Knockout explained as she pulled up pictures.
"Except, for the dark Energon that was on the walls of the hole." Shockwave entered the room, Soundwave close behind him. "More dark Energon?" Optimus murmured while approaching the screen and staring at it.
"We were waiting until you come back but then—"
"Things started acting up." Bumblebee said, switching to the news channel on the TV screen, showing more extreme weather forecast of what they had been experiencing. "And this—" the base shook again and everyone grabbed ahold of something close by.
"—just started happening." The scout finished. Megatron set Amal by the human area and began walking toward the elevator meant for helicopter and other air craft.
"Where're you going?" Amal asked as she ran back over to him, following him along rail. "To see what's happening outside." Megatron told her. "I'm coming with." She said, jumping from the railing onto his side. The Warlord grabbed her by the back of the shirt.
"Stay here, Amalgamous." He ordered sternly. She crossed her arms as Optimus approached next to them. "I wanna see. I have a right to!" She exclaimed as he set her back down. "We don't know what's out there, Amalgamous. It would be wise to wait here while we go investigate." Optimus told her and she huffed as she watched them start to walk off with the other Cybertronians following, Ratchet and Knockout remaining behind.
"Stay." Megatron told her and she glared. As she watched them open and enter the elevator, she glanced at the human size one and grinned. As soon as the doors shut, she sprinted to the human one once Ratchet and Knockout were distracted.
"I had the same idea." Miko said, meeting her at the doors and clicking the button. They darted into the small space with Jack close behind. Raf shook his head while watching the doors close from the outside, smirking at Ratchet's protest when he finally noticed.
Amal's spark pounded as they got closer to the roof. Something was happening, and she knew it wasn't good. She could feel it in her spark.
The humans looked up and watched the roof open, flinching at the sudden wind and rain mixture that hit them and they shielded their eyes.
"Amalgamous! Get back into the base!"
Amal opened her eyes and suddenly gasped, the others humans next to her stepping back slightly out of shock. Amal stepped forward and couldn't believe it, lowering her arm.
"All of you, get back inside! Now!"
Amal blocked out Optimus's call and started walking forward, the wind whipping her hair wildly, rain splashing against her face as she approached the edge of the cliff and gazed across the valley.
"It's true." She whispered as lightning flashed and lit up the valley, casting over a tall figure standing in front of the enormous ship that was parked in the valley.
The blonde haired girl jerked her head up in surprise as the figure said her name, it's glowing purple eyes staring into her blue ones, as if trying to find a way into seeing her soul. And suddenly she knew who was staring at her with such a grim, but evil smile.
Amal was grabbed suddenly, but it didn't stop her from staring at the giant figure as the ship suddenly opened slots on its side and it began to lift in the air slowly.
Amal couldn't stop herself from staring into the figure eyes. It knew her name. He knew her name. The way he stared at her, it was like he knew every detail about her. Her strengths, weaknesses, all of it to use against her.
It made her feel sick, and she was probably going to be if it hadn't been for the lowering off the elevator below the surface to snap her out of her thoughts and she was finally able to say just one thing;

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...