"I'm so..."
"Amal, I think you should sit down."
"Bro, why is my spark like, showing as—"
"Amalgamous, why don't you just sit down?" Ratchet urged as he approached Amal, gently pushing her down into the nearest chair, and Amal finally wondered how she hadn't noticed Ratchet.
"Ratch, I didn't see you come in, it's good to see ya." She said sleepily as Ratchet glanced up at Shockwave. "Has this ever happened before?" He asked the scientist and Shockwave shook his head in return. "No, it hasn't."
"Maybe it's just a bug in her system?" Arcee asked as she walked up next to Ratchet. Ratchet nodded in slight agreement, as if hopeful that was the problem but his dreams were crushed when Shockwave shook his head.
"That couldn't be it." He said simply as he approached Amal and opened her vitals, examining them. "How do you know?" Ratchet asked and Amal looked confused.
"Guys, I'm fine. I feel great, I don't understand why you're acting so worried." She said as Shockwave rested a hand on the left side of her chest then to the right. "Seriously, Shocks, I think y'all just need to take a breather. I feel fine! My hearts still beati—"
"And that is correct." Shockwave interrupted and Amal looked confused. "There's a 'but'. There's always a 'but' with your sentences." She said, leaning on her clenched fist with a 'hmph' and Shockwave turned to Ratchet.
"Her heart is still beating, but her spark is not."
The Autobots looked confused. "What do you...mean?" Optimus asked slowly as he approached behind Amal, looking concerned for the young girls health.
"After the accident, Amal was given a spark. But not in replacement of her heart. She was given both, one for pumping energon through her pipes, one for pumping blood through her veins." Shockwave explained.
"And now, it seems her spark has stopped, but not her heart."
The others took a moment to process it. "So, what you're saying is...her heart is the only thing keeping her alive right now?" Ratchet asked and Shockwave nodded in confirmation as he looked at Amal, who slowly grew the biggest shit eating grin as she looked at all of them. "Huh, would you look at that now?" She said with a giggle.
"I'm a human now!"
"Oh goodie, back in bed." Amal said sarcastically as Ratchet put a IV in her arm. "Guys, I don't understand, I feel fine, besides my leg of course, but it's gotten better! So can't I come help figure out how to shove Unicron back into where he came from?" Amal whined as Ratchet covered her with a blanket before sternly looking at her.
"Oh my god, I've never been in hospital beds this much since the accident, good Christ." She grumbled as Optimus came to her side. "You will on be here until we figure out what has happened." He told her and she looked at him. "I know, but that'll be awhile probably. It always is." She grumbled.
Optimus smiled slightly. "Don't worry, we won't make any moves on Unicron until you are back on your feet." He said and Amal cracked a smile. "Good. I won't to personally be the first one to connect my fist with his stupid face plates." She said and Optimus chuckled as Shockwave entered the room.
"So, what's the news doc?" Amal asked and Shockwave rolled his one eye. "It seems my predication was correct, your spark seemed to stop about...a week ago, around the time we all separated." The scientist explained as he walked over to the other side of Amal.
"So, what do we do about it?" Amal asked. "Well, normally on a dead patient, we would revive them with a spark jumper, which would make your spark beat again." Ratchet explained. "But, since that would stop your actual heart from beating, we'll have to perform surgery and go in and start it up ourselves." The doctor finished as he leaned on the railing of her bed.
"Oh, cool." Amal said simply. "We'll have to go get the extra necessary supplies to do this procedure and a Energon and blood donor. So, once we are back with them, we will proceed." Ratchet frowned. "Who's was Amal's donor's after the accident?" The Autobot medic questioned.
"Megatron, and a human Knockout had grown close to whole street racing." Shockwave told him and Ratchet nodded slowly.
"I'll be her donor."
The eyes in the room landed on the Prime standing next to the blonde haired girls bed. "Wait, wait, wait...Optimus, bud, are you sure?" Amal asked and the Prime didn't hesitate to nod.
"If it is what you need to survive, I would happily do it, Amal." He told her. "Isn't your Energon like...special? Since you're a Prime?" She asked and Optimus shook his head. "My Energon is the same as yours and anybody else's...of course tho, like your blood, there are types." Optimus told her and she nodded and smiled gently while resting her hand on top of his.
"Thank you Optimus." She whispered faintly and gave his hand a squeeze. Optimus returned it and nodded. "No need to thank me, Amalgamous." He told her as Ratchet began to write down a list of what he needed.
"I'll send Breakdown, Knockout and Bumblebee out to gather these." He said as he rolled off the piece of paper. "What blood type are you, Amal?" He asked and Amal thought. "AB negative." She responded. Ratchet sighed. "Of course." He grumbled before disappearing out of the room.
Shockwave soon followed, leaving the Prime and the blonde haired girl alone in the room.
"Optimus, for real, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Amal told him but the Prime shook his head firmly. "It is part of a Prime's duty to serve and help others as they have helped you, and that is what I must do." He told her and she frowned.
"What have I done for you, Optimus?"
"Amalgamous, what haven't you done for me?" Amal looked confused. "Elaborate." She told him and Optimus looked at the ground. "Amal, ever since you showed up at the base, slowly, day by day, our opinions have changed on almost everyone and everything."
Amal smiled slightly. "Alright, I'm intrigued now." She said and Optimus smiled ever so slightly. "Amal, the Autobots and Decepticons have been at war for a very long time. It seemed it would never end...until you came along, or should I say when we found out about you."
Optimus sighed happily. "After seeing how the Decepticons were with you, it made me realize that we had forgotten that they were Cybertronians too, that they had a life, families, emotions...and that made me remember that we are one. Forgetting that made me feel like I wasn't a Prime anymore, and then I found out about your accident and I just...almost couldn't bear with it anymore."
Optimus paused. "But when I thought I had reached my breaking point, you came and made me see that everyone must work past their most difficult times, forgive but not forget, because it makes you stronger. And that's what kept me going all this time."
Optimus finished and Amal couldn't find words to say. "I...wow." She breathed out and Optimus smiled slightly. "Optimus, your looks aren't the only thing that leave people speechless."
The Prime chuckled and Amal smiled. "But, thank you, Optimus. That means a lot to hear I helped in some way of this war, even if it didn't directly involve me." She said and Optimus nodded as the young girl yawned.
"You should rest. You've got a long journey ahead of you."
Amal grabbed Optimus's wrist as he was turning to leave and the Prime looked at her. "Sorry, I just—would you stay please? I don't like being alone in hospital type rooms." She told him while letting go of his wrist. Optimus smiled and nodded and the blonde haired girl lit up before scooting over and patting the spot next to her.
Optimus sat down on it and copied Amal, laying back onto the pillows and propping his feet onto the bed.
"Are you comfortable?" She asked and Optimus nodded. "I can see now why it's so hard to get you out of this in the morning." He said, looking down at her and she frowned. "Why?" Amal asked and Optimus sunk farther into the pillows.
"It's comfortable as hell."

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...