The warlord in slight surprise as he entered Knockout's lab where his trusty doctor and lead scientist were working in. "What, Knockout? Are the holoform's stable yet?"
"What? Oh, yea, they're fine. Soundwave and I got them down easy Peasy. This is more important." Knockout said before turning and motioning to Amalgamous, who was sitting on the big, empty table outside of the usual basket she had.
"Yes, Amalgamous. What about her?"
"Megs!" The warlord looked surprised at the young girl, who reached out to him. Knockout giggled excitedly. "Isn't that adorable?"
"You taught her that, didn't you?"
"No! She picked up on it, and I guess she put the two and two together and figured out it was her favorite mech."
"Megs!" Amal said again and the warlord gave her a digit to shut her up. "Well, don't bother her getting her attached to things in here." Knockout looked confused.
"Why not?"
"Two weeks, Knockout. That's all you've got with her." Megatron told her and the doctor suddenly looked angry. "Seriously? You're just gonna leave her somewhere to be found again?" She asked angrily. "We'll find somewhere good for her." Megatron told her and Knockout shook her head.
"Yea, for the humans to find her a toss her around from place to place."
"Knockout, a Decepticon warship is no place to raise a sparkling, let alone a human one."
"We could be careful!"
"You're not serious right now?"
"Maybe I am." Knockout said seriously with a glare up at her leader. Megatron pinched between his optics. "Knockout, I know this hits close to you—" "it should with you too!" She exclaimed and Megatron looked confused.
"You should know a thing or two about being raised in different places like they'll do to her." Megatron sighed as he brought his digit away from Amal and she whined in protest. "Two weeks, Knockout. I'm serious. We have no time for a human." And with that, the Warlord walked out.
In all honesty, he felt bad. Knockout couldn't help that she was born with carrier instincts, and when she found Amal, he could tell it would be hard to separate them once they had to. He knew Knockout just wanted to protect her, but to protect her while also being a doctor on a ship full of thousands of troops? It seemed impossible.
But Knockout thought of the past, as did Megatron, and it made him feel even guiltier than before. He knew what it was like to be given up, which was why he let them bring the baby girl on the ship in the first place, but to raise a child in a gigantic ship? She'd be dead as soon as she learned to walk.
But something in the warlord stirred. Maybe it was the guilt, maybe it was his past. But whatever it was, it was making him have second thoughts which he tried to shake them away.
But he couldn't help but think of what it was like if she did grow up on the ship.
If they simply learned to watch their step.
The two week mark was coming up, and Knockout dreaded it. She was worried all about what would happen once they let her back into the human world. She hated that she was thinking all of these thoughts, but she couldn't help it, her carrier instincts made her think like this.
And without being able to have sparklings of her own, it made her instincts craze even more.
She sighed as she leaned on her servo while staring down at Amalgamous, who cooed without a care in the work. Knockout smiled and waved a digit in her face for a moment to make her giggle before standing up and clicking her comlink.
"Megs, come watch Amal while I go get some stuff. And don't take her away until I get back."
"Alright Knockout, I shall not."
And with that, Knockout exited the room with a quiet sigh.
Megatron huffed as he walked into the lab just about a minute after Knockout had com'd in. He saw Amalgamous and walked over to her, sighing as he knew he was going to have to climb his way up the table in holoform again just to get to her before he decided to just set her somewhere lower.
The warlord carefully grabbed the young girl sitting in her basket, making sure to slowly lower her to the floor. Amal giggled as she was lowered, seeming to have the time of her life.
Megatron transformed after getting her to the floor and activated his holoform. He stepped out of his truck form and Amal stared in amazement as she always did. The warlord couldn't help but smirk as he expression as he approached her and she got excited.
"Megsy." She said with her arms reaching out as he sat next to her. "That's a new one." He mumbled as gave her his hand, which she tried to nibble on as soon as she got ahold of it. Megatron shook his head with a chuckle before hopping her nose as Soundwave did.
Except Amal simply stared at him this time, unamused.
"Guess I'm not as good as Soundwave is with that." He said and Amal simply giggled before grabbing his fingers again and wiggling them. Megatron smiled, a genuine one, and couldn't help but think about what it would be like if this is something he would do everyday.
And maybe it didn't seem such a bad idea, especially after spending over a month with the girl.
Megatron sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "I hope I don't regret this." He mumbled with Amal cooing in the background as he clicked his comlink to his closest friends.
"All I'm going to say, is you all better start watching your steps."
"You're not serious—"
"Oh shut up Starscream!"
"We're get to keep the babyyyy! We get to keep the bab—"
"You too Breakdown."
"Sorry Knockout."

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...