Chapter 24

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"Is she okay?"

"She's never okay." Megatron mumbled as Amal stood in front of the cork board, seemingly in a trance. Ratchet looked wearily at her, a thought of concern for her health. "Amalgamous has a tendency to get her mind set on one goal and never stop looking into it until she's figured out what it is." Megatron explained.

"Amalgamous." Optimus said, making her snap out of her thoughts. Amal spun around, smacking her hand into the palm of her other hand quickly and looking at the leader of the Autobots.



"The Earth's core."

Optimus frowned, along with the others as well. Megatron started to walk down the stairs toward her, rolling his eyes heavily. "I do not—" "—the Earth's core is made of metals, mostly Iron and Nickel. But! But, but, but—!" Amal motioned to the pictures of the cork board that were stung together.

"What if it isn't those metals? Right now, the weathers been kinda hay-wire out there. And Unicron is a god. So, that means he has control over your planets weather, base, life, whatever it is! What if he isn't dead?" Amal exclaimed. The Autobots remained staring at her with confused expressions.

Amal sighed bitterly, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "What if our core is made of Cybertronian metal? With Energon in it? Dark Energon to be precise. What if Unicron never died when the prime's went Rambo on him?"

"You're not saying—"

"What if Unicron is our Earth's core?"

Ratchet scoffed. "That's ridiculous." He mumbled. Amal narrowed his eyes. "Hey, you know what. I've been up for four days straight working on this god damn thing. I've looked through every single Wikipedia page and Cybertronian Wikipedia page there is to offer. I've researched about it for far longer than I've wanted and I haven't been more tired of seeing this—" Amal smacked her hand on the cork board. "-in my life. I'm this close to losing it all." She made a motion with her fingers.

"So, why don't we all agree that my theory is a good one and at least look into it before my four days of no sleep was wasted. Okay? Okay. Cool." Amal said as she marched up the stairs where the humans were.

"My fucking brain is fried right now, my dudes. This theory has made me go insane. But you know what? It's a bloody fucking good one. This could be the cause of everything wrong that had ever happened on this place. Earthquakes? Unicron rolling over in bed down there. Hurricanes? His temper tantrums. Thunder? His farts. Like, look man, this could change our Earth's science in so many ways I can't even think of." Amal motioned to the air in front of her as the Autobots, Decepticons and humans stared at her with concern in her eyes.

"She has a point."

"Thank you! Finally, someone who is on my side!"

Jack rolled his eyes before continuing. "Having Dark Energon down there could be a key factor to why we can't get any sounds or visuals of our Earth's core." The black haired teen pointed out. "Now you got it." Amal said as she smirked while sitting on the couch.

"They're both right. This is something we should look into." Arcee agreed and looked at Optimus. The Autobot leader nodded.

"While I do not—" Optimus was cut off when the computer beeped, making Ratchet turn to it. He frowned and looked at the others.

"It's a Energon reading. Of a Cybertronian."

"Of what origin?" Optimus questioned as he stepped behind Ratchet. "I...don't know. It doesn't say." Ratchet admitted as he typed into the computer. The others frowned, including Amal as she stared up at it.

"Should we check it out?" Bulkhead asked. Optimus nodded wearily we Ratchet typed in the coordinates. "It would be wise to bring me if this is of Decepticon origin." Megatron pointed out. Optimus looked at him and agreed before holding out his servo.

Megatron looked at it. "I would rather offline." The warlord said bluntly. Optimus shrugged in response before grabbing the Decepticon leader. Megatron cursed at him, tempted to show him he was not to be messed with but Amal gave him a look that told him to behave.

Amal quickly followed suite of the Autobots, waving goodbye to Ratchet, who grumbled in response and turned back around to the computer to start his research on the Earth's core.

"Do any of you fleshlings want to help me research your—"

And it was only when Ratchet turned to the couch area did he realize that the three humans they had sworn to protect were gone as the groundbridge closed, it's rainbow glow giving off one last flicker of transportation before it went silent.

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