Jack wished he didn't feel so helpless in that moment.
If anyone were to be able to do anything, it was him.
But he couldn't.
Jack had attempted to grab Amal again after she cut off her arm, dropping the limb in the process into the well.
But he wasn't quick enough.
Jack watched Amal fall into the well until her body disappeared out of his vision, his mouth held open in short, quiet, gasping sobs. "Amalgamous..." he whispered in defeat.
In all honesty, he felt defeated. His mind raced with thoughts, barely able to process anything happening as he simply kept staring into the well.
Megatron stared at the edge of the well, right before where the blonde haired girl had vanished into it. His helm couldn't process it. He was expecting her to crawl right out with a big, shit eating grin on her face and a "hey Megsy!" To boost his spirits.
But nothing happened.
"Amalgamous." He whispered and fell to his knees. "Please..." he said softly and for the first time since the beginning of the war, tears brimmed his optics. "Don't go." He said quietly and the warlord realized just how defeated her felt.
All the Autobot, Decepticons, and enemies had seemed to watch the moment, still locked in with each other to continue the fight at any second. "Amal." Breakdown whispered and Knockout let out a sob from behind him and fell to her knees.
Miko couldn't say anything, her eyes were wide with tears and her throat clenched but nothing came out. She didn't know what to say or do. All she wanted was a small hope Amal was alive.
But she didn't believe it would come.
"Fuck." Astrotrain whispered the human slur and punched a wall near him, Shockwave standing silently next to him, his servos slowly clenching. Frenzy, Rumble, and Ravage were at his peds, the minicons holding back the tears in their optics as Ravage let out a small, sad, broken meow.
The Autobots that had formed an alliance with Amal all stood in shock and disbelief, Wheeljack being the first to let out a yell and punch the wall. Bulkhead from next to him just stood there with his mouth open, unable to process what had happened.
What slowly began to process into the minds around was that Amal had done this to open the well, since somebody had to pass through so they could inject the Cybermatter into the core of Cybertron and save it.
But nothing was happening.
They all considered Amalgamous Cybertronian themselves spiritually, but they began to realize that in reality, she was born human.
So with that, they wondered: would the well open for Amal?
Or would her sacrifice be for nothing?
Rafael was standing on the panels that he had managed to wire and back into controlling the Decepticon warship, staring at the well with a blank expression.
His mind didn't know wether to scream or cry or remain silent from the pain he felt. Compared to his fellow allies, Raf had never lost somebody close to him. His family had always been close, no one had ever broken off from it to make him know what it was like to deal with separation.
He never had a family death, so to lose somebody he looked up to hit him hard and he wasn't sure how to react. And just when he thought all hope was lost, that he could sob and scream for eternity because not only had Amal left them, but at the thought that her sacrifice was for nothing and that they'd have to lose somebody else close to them—
The well erupted into a blue burst, glowing brightly to light up from the bottom all the way to the top.
And Rafael simply whispered:
"Oh, fuck."
Optimus stared at the case that held the Star Saber he had long forgot about, something he thought he'd never see again.
He opened the case and slowly grabbed it, the sword immediately glowing blue with a whirring noise erupting from it. Optimus admired it for a moment before snapping back into reality that he remembered he had a mission to do.
He turned and was ready to run back out to the others when the ship lurched very suddenly, causing him to lose his balance and fall onto his aft. The sword flew out and slid across the floor as the Nemesis lurched to the left.
Optimus could hear the faint yells of surprise from his teammates as they slid across the floor, the scraping metal echoing. Optimus slid for a moment before catching himself on the edge of the case that had held the Star Saber.
After a moment, the ship straightened up and Optimus was able to stumble to his peds finally. He walked over to the Star Saber as the door opened. He picked it up and turned to see his allies standing there in awe at the sight of the glowing sword in his hand.
"It's time, boss." Jazz said and Optimus raised an optic ridge in surprise and the autobots swallowed.
"It's time to resurrect Cybertron. It's time to finally go home."

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...