Amal took a sip from her flask before tucking it back into her grey trench coat. Miko tilted her head sideways. "Is that what's been in there this whole time?" Miko asked. Amal looked at her and frowned. "What?"
"Energon's been in your flask?"
Amal smiled and nodded. "It was a pain to hide it from you guys before." Amal admitted, patting the pocket she hid it away in. "Well you have two flasks, don't you? What's in the other one?"
"Oh this old thing?" Amal asked, pulling out a dented, paint splotched flask with a faded Decepticon symbol on it. "Black Energon." Amal said opening it and showing it to the curious pink haired girl. "Black Energon?" Miko echoed, frowning. Amal nodded.
"An alcohol type Energon for Cybertronians. We got our hands on a stash awhile back, been saving it for quiet nights." Amal said, tucking it back into her trench coat. Miko nodded as the door to Jack's room opened. The two humans looked as Ratchet's holoform walked out.
"He's awake now." Ratchet informed them. The two grinned and nodded as they went in, seeing Raf already by Jack's side, as he had been for most the time so he could see more in the medical field. Ratchet followed them back in, going to the computer next to Jack's bed.
Jack smiled as them weakly, waving his flesh hand slightly. "Hey Jacky boy, how you feeling?" Amal asked the black haired boy. "Could be better." He said, shrugging slightly. "Don't worry, we'll have you up and working with your arm in no time. Maybe you'll even get to go up against me at some time. Not that you'll win or anything." Amal joked, making Jack chuckled. "Maybe I'll take you up on that offer."
The door opened and the humans turned their heads to see Optimus's holoform. "Hey Optimus." Jack said, waving weakly. Optimus gave a gentle smile as he approached the end of the boy's bed. "How are you feeling?" The Autobot leader asked. Jack shrugged. "Could be better to be honest. I could use a burger right now." The black haired teen said, licking his dry lips.
"Well, your burger is going to have to wait. Until I say so, you're on a liquid diet." Ratchet said, making the boy frown. "Mannnn, this sucks." He whined, making everyone around him chuckle. As Miko and Raf began to talk to the young teen, Optimus tapped on Amal's arm, making her turn and look at him.
The Autobot leader motioned for her to follow, as he turned toward the door. The Decepticon followed him out of the room to see Megatron's holoform standing outside, arms crossed while leaning against the wall.
"It wasn't me." Amal said quickly. Megatron rolled his eyes as Optimus frowned. "I don't know what you did, but that's not what we are discussing." Megatron told her, resting his hand on her head as he stood up. Amal relaxed. "Oh." She said, sighing.
"Optimus and I have been talking—"
"Shut it. We've been talking about Jack's condition after this." Megatron started, Amal raising her eyebrows. "Oh?" She said, pursing her lips. "While Jackson will not be as agile, he will be strong with that arm, and quick on his feet with Energon flowing through him." Optimus explained.
"And that means—?" Amal said slowly, cocking an eyebrow. Optimus and Megatron looked at each other before looking back at the young girl. Optimus opened his mouth.
"We want him in the field, alongside you."

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...