Amal was taken back to the Autobot base first by Bumblebee while the others were inspecting the Predacon that had attacked them. Bumblebee frowned at Amal's state as they walked through the groundbridge.
She was trembling, but not from the cold. "Something wrong?" Bumblebee whirred as he stood next to Amal. The blonde haired girl nodded, swallowing hard. "You sure?" Bumblebee pushed. Amal shrugged, still not giving a solid response.
Bumblebee vented out before looking up at Ratchet. "We're going for a drive." Bumblebee announced to him. Ratchet whipped around. "Uh—no!" Ratchet snapped. "Uh—yea! C'mon Ratch. She's been cooped up in here. Let her see some good sights for once, something pretty. Like a sunset. You can monitor where we go, and if she's with me and I'll call if anything happens." Bumblebee argued. Ratchet stared at him as he grumbled, unsure of it.
"Pleaseeeeee—?" Bumblebee begged. Ratchet rolled his optics as he turned back around. "Fine, fine." He mumbled, waving a hand. Amal smiled slightly as Bumblebee grabbed her and transformed into his Camaro before speeding off out the base with Amal in the passenger seat.
Megatron stared into the optics of the Predacon, frowning in thought. "Something bothering you?" Starscream questioned. "Shockwave never made anymore." Megatron mumbled lowly so the Autobots wouldn't here. "Maybe he did, and something went wrong." Starscream muttered as he moved the digit on one of its paws, looking at the claws on it.
"Shockwave would've told me." Megatron stated. Starscream shrugged, giving him a 'beats me' look. "You're about as helpful as a sparkling." Megatron grumbled. "You sound like Amalgamous." Starscream said, opening the optics of the Predacon to observe it.
The seeker yanked his hand back with a hiss of pain, shaking his holoforms hand aggressively. "Motherfragging—" Starscream cursed, looking at his burning holoform hand. Megatron observed it before dabbing his finger into the liquid that had burned Starscream.
He tasted it. "Dark Energon." He murmured in surprise. "What happened?" Arcee walked up, frowning at them while her eyes still glared hatred.
"This Predacon wasn't one that has been alive or in stasis—" Megatron said as he turned to the Autobots approaching. He held up the finger that had the purple liquid on it, which was making the finger glitch out slightly.
"—it was revived by Dark Energon."
"Tell Papa Bumblebee what's on your mind."
Amal giggled as she sat down on a rock nearby, right across from where Bumblebee sat on the ground. Bumblebee propped his helm onto his servos, his optics whirring in curiousness to hear what the blonde haired girl had to say.
Amal hesitated before sighing. "It's just, betraying you guys like that." She mumbled. "You didn't betray us, Amal."
"I feel like I did."
"I think everyone was just, surprised and hurt. But, you didn't do anything to do us physical harm. This is just, avoiding telling the truth." Bumblebee said as he leaned up. Amal sighed.
"The Decepticons have always had my back." She started, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "They raised me. Each and everyone of them did something to contribute to helping me."
Amal paused, gazing at the ground in sorrow. "Despite everything they've done to you, they're good Cybertronians, Bumblebee. They wanna go home just as much as you do, maybe even more if that's possible."
Amal smiled slightly. "Do you wanna hear the story of how they found me?" She asked. Bumblebee's optics whirred in interest and he nodded eagerly. "Well, I already told Optimus part of it, but at the time he didn't know it was the Decepticons I was talking about." Amal explained.
"Now, how do I even begin on this?"
"Are you sure?" Optimus questioned his long enemy. Megatron tasted it again, grimacing slightly. "Positive." Megatron grumbled, flicking the rest off his hand. Starscream stepped back as it hit ground, grumbling in annoyance.
"But how? Somebody would've had to put that stuff in it's tubes." Arcee pointed out. Then, all eyes directed to Megatron. Megatron crossed his arms.
"This was not of Decepticon origins." He stated simply. "And why should we believe you?" Bulkhead asked, cocking an optic ridge. "Because, after I injected the Dark Energon into my veins and controlled the army of zombies—" Megatron pauses, mentally cursing to himself. "—of the undead—" he corrected. "I seeked ways to control other beings, starting with my ship. But, it turned on us. The ship grew a mind of its own with the stuff in it, and almost killed us all." Megatron said.
"What a shame." Arcee grumbled and Bulkhead hit her. "Ever since then, I banned tampering with Dark Energon without my permission or Knockout's expertise. It is mighty dangerous stuff. Check the warships security footage." Megatron finished.
"Alright, so if it wasn't you, or us, then who was it?" The blue and pink autobot asked, looking at Optimus questioningly. Both him and the warlord got a spark in their optics as they looked up and both spoke at the same time.
"I think I have an idea."
The two enemies looked at each other wearily after that happened. Bulkhead sighed. "Weird, man."

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...