Chapter 15

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"Optimus, she lied to us!"

"Yea, give her to Fowler to deal with. She betrayed our trust!" Bulkhead said angrily, crossing his arms as Bumblebee waved his arm in protest. "She's our friend." He argued. "You wanna be friends with human con?" Arcee growled.

"She told me she never wanted to hurt us. If she wanted to, why haven't the Decepticons attacked before? She knew the coordinates, the ground bridge operation, the codes to everything! Why didn't she tell Megatron to order an attack then?" Bumblebee argued. "Bumblebee is right. Emily must've had good intentions for both sides if there was no attack following her alliance with us." Optimus said.


The Autobot turned, all of them taking a step back as they saw the familiar blonde haired girl standing in the doorway. "My name is Amalgamous—" She said, stepping out of the doorway.

Ratchet grumbled, glaring daggers at the girl. Arcee glared as well, but Amal could see the pain and hurt in her eyes, but Amal knew she wouldn't let it show.

"—and I'm not a either sides." She said, walking forward. Arcee scoffed. "You're working with the Decepticons. That's enough to betray Autobots." The blue and pink Autobot said, almost snarling the words. "I'm not working with them, I am a Decepticon." Amal said.

"Like that makes it any better."

"But I'm also a human. And maybe at some point even an Autobot. And those I trust, I don't betray, unless they lose my trust. And I never wanted to betray you, or hurt you. I promise that." Amal said, stopped by the stairs and hopping onto the railing to climb up it.

"And what makes us think we'll go by a promise?" Ratchet snapped. The Autobots looked at her, and Amal wanted to shrink away to hide in a hole, but she remained strong, opening her mouth to speak before she was cut off.

"Because if there's one thing Amalgamous can keep, its promises."

And the warlord stepped out from the hallway, his purple eyes shining into the room. Amal looked at him, grumbling. Every single Autobot raised their weapons quickly, except Optimus. He just looked wearily at him, his servo's clenching.

"Go back to the cell." Arcee growled. Megatron chuckled. "Like I'm going to listen to an Autobot." He said, stepping next to Amal. "Just trust me. He's not wanting to hurt you guys. We just wanna get back to the ship." Amal said. "I'm not believing this war-starter that he's not gonna hurt us, and you're not getting back to your ship." Arcee snapped, his blasters still up.

"Trust me, if he wanted to, we could be out of here by now. We could've snuck out with my help, but I think you all need an explanation." Amal said. "One that didn't need this one." Amal continued, glaring back at Megatron. "One that certainly does need my input." Megatron stated.

"What makes you think we want an explanation?" Ratchet mumbled angrily. Bulkhead sighed as he put his blasters down. "Really Bulk?" Arcee asked in disbelief. "C'mon guys. Bee's right. We could've been dead by now if she had told Buckethead where we were, our plans, the human allies homes. She could've left with no explanation, went off the radar but she came here to tell us. Why don't we at least listen before we decide what happens? Cause maybe for once, we're not right about something." Bulkhead said as he looked at Amal.

Amal smiled gently. "Thanks Bulk." She said, and Bulkhead returned the sly smile. "No problem kid." The Autobot hesitated before Optimus spoke. "Amal, I would lying if I said I were to not want to listen to your explanation." Optimus said. Amal smiled.

"Only if he goes back." Arcee grumbled, glaring at Megatron who had his arms crossed over his chest plate. "He won't do anything, trust me." Amal said. "Mmh." Ratchet mumbled. "I swear on my life he's only here to help explain. If anyone would want to explain something like this right, it's him with me." Amal promised.

The Autobots looked at Megatron. Megatron nodded, his purple eyes flashing with promise. "I give my word I am only here to discuss." The warlord promised, his servos unclenching as he relaxed, for Amal's sake.

"Then let's start."

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