Chapter 31

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-This chapter dedicated to Silver-Ashley who's supported this book since the beginning and commented so many things that make me smile <3-


For the longest time, Optimus thought to himself. What else could he do? Carry on with his life like he hadn't been told he was the soul cause of a human almost dying? Something he had sworn to prevent?

For the first time since the beginning of the war, he felt ashamed, even scared, for what was to come. He wanted to say something to Amal, but even then he wouldn't feel a bit better about what he had finally been told he had caused.

And now he was questioning not only himself, but his leadership.

Outside in the main room, Bumblebee leaned against the wall. He had a bitter look on his face, and boy, was it worse on the inside. Raf wanted to comfort him as well, but how could he comfort him any better when he was in need of it as well.

"Bee." The scout snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at Arcee. "I know you're hurt about what you've been told but—" "—that's not it." The scout cut her off. The motorcycle frowned. "Then what are you so—"

"I knew Arcee."

Ratchet looked up from where he was sulking. "Bumblebee, what do you—" "—I knew about what happened to Amal. And looking back, I should've told you to avoid this whole—" "—what the scrap do you mean you knew?" Arcee asked, suddenly narrowing her optics at him.

"Amal told me herself!"

The Autobots gaped at him. "When?" Bulkhead asked suddenly. "When we went for that drive. She told me almost everything, guys. She told me her whole life story, about how the Decepticons found her and how she was raised and how the accident happened and—" Bumblebee stopped and gazed down, ashamed of himself.

"I'm sorry...I feel awful about lying but she asked me not to, and even when I found out what side she had been on, she was still my friend, our friend, and friends don't spill each other's secrets."

"And you are right, Bumblebee." The Autobots turned to see Optimus, who had been cooped up in his berthroom for the past hour, finally emerging from the hallway. "Optimus, I'm sorry, I didn't—" "—Bumblebee, there is no need to apologize." The Prime cut him off as he placed a servo on his shoulder plate.

The scout looked at the ground bitterly. "But I lied to you guys are my family and I felt ashamed lying to you guys about something so—" "—you were right about Amalgamous." The Prime stopped him again. "She is our friend. And I'm sure none of us has thought otherwise, even if it did seem like she had betrayed us at first."

"But what we did not take into consideration—" Optimus Prime continued as he took his servo off of Bumblebee's shoulder plate, "—were the different ways one can view someone as family." The Autobots looked confused.

"Despite our long conflict with the Decepticons, we have forgotten to consider their ways for when they are not engaging in battle." Optimus told them, and they thought about it. "That they're a family too." Miko said from the couch, smiling slightly as Optimus. The last Prime nodded.

"Miko is right. And with that, I believe it is right for us to show that we can truly be allies in this time of darkness." Optimus waited for some kind of complaint or rejection of the idea, but it was silent while the Autobots processed it. Even from Arcee.

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