Chapter 35

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Amal blinked tiredly at the wall near her bed. She sighed heavily and sat up, cracking her knuckles and rolling her shoulders. She checked the watch built into her arm and it flashed '2:37 a.m.' at her. She grumbled and slammed it shut while getting to her feet.

She wandered out of her room with her blanket wrapped around her shoulders to find something to keep her mind busy. As she walked out, she saw a familiar holoform sitting in front of the tv.

"Oh, so you watch Age of Ultron without me, eh?" Amal called out the warlord as she walked up the stairs. Megatron rolled his eyes, giving a sly grin. "What can I say? I'm impatient to wait for you." He said as she plopped down next to him, covering her body with the giant blanket she was dragging around.

"Eh, whatever. I've seen it anyways like...five times." Amal said as she gazed at the tv screen for a second. "Still will never get over how good Chris Evans looks in it though." She gushed, whistling at Captain America on the screen.

"You are extremely strange."

"But you love me!"

"Will you two keep it down?" A voice said from down the stairs. They looked down to see the irritated holoform of the Decepticons second in Command, his hair a mess and his eyes squinting to adjust to the light.

"Hi babes! Wanna join us?" Amal asked, ignoring his previous comment. Starscream grumbled as he approached them. "Since my power down was interrupted then it seems I won't have any chance of going back into it." He said bitterly as he sat next to Amal.

"We're watching Avengers."

"You're stupid human movies again?"

"They're not stupid!" Amal defended. "If you say so." Starscream said as he looked at the screen. The three continued watching silently, eventually growing tired. Starscream was the first to power down with his head resting on his palm that leaned on the arm rest.

Amal leaned on Megatron as she snuggled into her blanket and eventually drifted off, leaving the Warlord to watch alone.

Millions of thoughts raced through his mind as he zoned out from the movie. He wondered what would happen if they do find out Unicron is returning? Could they defeat him? Or will they get killed?

And one last thought ran through his head before he drifted off. Something Optimus had mentioned earlier when discussing on if there was a way to defeat Unicron if they had to and the outcomes of it. Something that haunted Megatron's mind in a good way.

Could they revive Cybertron?


"So, your mom said anything?" Miko asked Jack as she leaned against the railing. Jack shook his head. "I don't think Fowler's told her yet. Hopefully he never does."

"Maybe he forgot."

"I doubt it." Ratchet said to Miko bitterly. "You seem grumpy, what's up Docbot?" Amal asked as she climbed up Ratchet's ped. "I'm grumpy because we will already have the Pentagon on our afts about our truce with the Decepticons! The last thing I need is a human mother nagging me even more about it or a girl climbing up my chest plate!" Ratchet snapped as he snatched Amal up and set her on the computer.

Amal jolted as a shock went through her body from the impact. "Hey man, watch it! My body's still wanting to shake like a god damn maraca!" Amal growled, shaking her head. "I apologize. I'm just, stressed." Ratchet said truthfully. "It's cool, we all get stressed." Amal told him with and a smile and a shrug.

Ratchet sighed, leaning his chin on his servo plate. "If only we could figure out how—" Ratchet was cut off by the loudest slam from the human door on the planet, making almost everyone jump in fear, even Optimus flinched slightly.

The Decepticons looked in confusion at each other as Amal walked over to Megatron's holoform, who happened to be the only one in holoform at the moment while he stood by the human area.

"Oh we're screwed!" Jack said as he smacked his forehead. "I'm out, peace!" Miko tried to scramble away but Bulkhead grabbed her. "If we're going down, you're coming down with us." Bulkhead whispered as Miko wiggled to try and escape, with no results.

A red faced, fist clenched, foot stomping June Darby came hauling-ass through, wordlessly gazing around until she made eye contact with the Decepticons in alt form. Starscream shuffled nervously, avoiding her gaze.

She turned and made eye contact with Megatron, who was smirking slightly alongside with Amal, who looked uncomfortable. "Hey mom." Jack said nervously. She gave a glare to her son that pretty much said 'you're grounded for life' before storming up the stairs toward Megatron.

And without saying a word as she approached the Warlord, she threw her fist back and punched his right in the jaw, catching him off-guard, sending him to the floor.

Amal's face changed in about two seconds as she busted out laughing, clutching her stomach and hitting the railing. Megatron looked stunned by it, touching his jaw and looking at Dark Energon that leaked from his teeth in confusion and slight anger.

"Holy fucking shit!" Amal cried out, still laughing her ass off. "You just got fucking decked by a human! Oh primus!" Amal sat on the floor and still laughed as Megatron stood up, wiping the Energon.

"Are you done?" He asked in irritation. "I would put you in a damn hospital if I could." June snapped, her cold eyes glaring at him. "If it makes you feel better about yourself then try it." Megatron said as he walked by her.

"So why the hell is he here? What in your right mind told you to let them here?" June turned to Optimus. "There has been reason to believe a great evil is coming, and at the time of their capture, we needed help understanding some of the warning signs, so we formed a deal to unite this once in order to save Earth."

Megatron's alt form walked in and picked up Amal, who was still giggling quietly. "Will you shut up?" He grumbled, setting her on his shoulder pad. "She decked you to the fucking floor man!" Amal snickered, leaning against his helm. "Whatever." Megatron mumbled angrily.

June didn't like Optimus's explanation it seemed as she still had a hard glare. "And what will happen if you do defeat this 'evil' that might be here? You just let them go to probably try and rule earth again?" June asked, her voice sharp.

"That is for us to decide." Megatron told June, who glared back up at him. Amal crossed her arms, looking down at the human mother. "Us four Decepticons serve as valuable resources to this evil that may rise. There are things from Cybertron and Earth that we know more of than the Autobots. Without us, your kind would perish in short notice." Megatron explained.

"You four?"


"There's three of you."

Amal leaned against Megatron's helm as he motioned to her. June looked at her strange. "She's just a human." Amal snickered. "You got no idea." She said. "Since when did we get another human?" June asked, looking at Optimus. The Prime sighed.

"Perhaps there is some catching up you need to do, June."

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