"Hey Optimus. Knockout to me to tell you the groundbridge is up and running, finally." Bumblebee spoke through the com link. Optimus clicked his comlink. "Understood, Bumblebee. We will be ready once we gather the belongings we need to bring back. I will contact you when we are ready."
"You got it, Optimus. There's some stuff we gotta talk about once you get back." And with that, Bumblebee clicked out.
Optimus found it strange of what Bumblebee said but shrugged it off while turning to his fellow Cybertronians and Amal.
"The groundbridge is running again." He told them and Amal had never seen Ratchet look so happy in the time she had known him. "At last. Back to base!" Ratchet exclaimed happily and Amal giggled. "Ratch-y, I ain't never seen you this happy before." Amal said while walking up to him.
The Medic rolled his optics with no response as he turned and made his way back into the Pentagon while shrinking down to holoform. Optimus looked down at Amal. "Amalgamous, go inside and get our human companions ready to depart. And do explain to them some things along the way." He told the blonde haired girl.
Amal snapped her fingers and gave finger guns. "You got it, Optimus." She said before looking at Megatron and Starscream. "Let's go Megabutt. Onward Starstupid." She said and the Warlord rolled his optics before activating his holoform.
"Whatever you say, Amalgabrat."
"A robot dragon?" Miko exclaimed with Raf and Jack gaping. "Predacon, actually. But yes, basically that." Amal told them. "That's...crazy." Jack said, pressing his palm to his forehead with a big smile on his face. "Does he...breathe fire?" Raf asked and Amal shrugged. "I actually...don't know. I don't think anyone knows. But he knows how to fight, that's for sure. He's the fiercest motherfucker on this planet." Amal said with a grin.
"Amalgamous, are you done? We must be getting to the groundbridge coordinates." Starscream said from across the room where he had been sitting and listening patiently. Amal nodded at her seeker friend before grabbing the bag she had brought that was sitting at her ankles.
"Alright boys—"
Amal turned.
"Let's get home."
"The coordinates are right here with what Knockout gave us."
"Why so specific?" Amal asked Optimus. Arcee shrugged to answer her question. "Have they said anything since Bumblebee com'd in?" Raf asked and the Autobot shook their helms. Amal frowned slightly but shook away the feeling in her stomach.
The groundbridge opened a few feet away from them and she grinned. "Woo hoo! Back to base we go!" She said before sprinting into the portal. "Amalgamous!" Megatron groaned before walking after her with his Second in Command following. Predaking was watching from a distance, waiting for him to be called in by his carrier figure.
The Autobots humans soon followed as soon as the Autobots started going towards the rainbow portal, all eager to be back home.
And definitely not expecting the base to rattle and shake as soon as they stepped through, followed by the sound of explosions.
This ones a short one, wanted to leave on a little cliffhanger ;). But thank you guys so much for 35k reads!! That's insane! I never expected this to be one of my fastest growing books, thank y'all so much :))). Please vote and comment, I love the feedback so much! And follow me to check out more books from me like Marvel, Transformers and other fanfics :)

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...