The blonde haired girl gasped as she woke up, only to inhale the tub that was going down her throat. She chocked, leaning over to try and spit it out, only to realize it was completely stuff all down her throat.
"Amalgamous! Oh thank the allspark, you woke up! I'm so—oh primus, I'm sorry sweet spark let me—" the medic suddenly yanked the tub out after coming to Amal's side, and the girl finally breathed in.
"Jesus Christ!" Amal exclaimed, coughing violently as she held her throat. Knockout hugged her tight, holding her head in her holoform's arms tight.
"Why're you so touchy? I just got knocked out, it's no big—" "Amal." Knockout said gently as she pulled away and the young girl finally saw the energon tears in her eyes. Amal softened. "What is it, KO?" She asked hesitantly.
"What do you remember last?"
"Uh, I remember going through the mine after hearing blasters being fired, and as I saw J3FF, a rock got hurled at me...a big, bright blue rock..." Amal said slowly and suddenly realized what happened.
"Amal...a rogue blaster fire hit've been out for almost a month. We did everything we could, but it was just too much damage to—to—" Knockout struggled to find the words as her eyes averted down to Amal's arms.
Amal followed her gaze and her eyes widened at the sight of two metal arms with gears twitching and turning instead of her regular fleshy arms, and they were resting on similar metal legs and she started to shake.
"I'm gonna puke."
Knockout luckily got a bucket up beside her in time for her to hurl into it. The blonde haired girl coughed violently after her moment of throwing up, the act of it making her throat burn because of the tub that had been down it.
"Are you alright?"
"Physically? Yes. Mentally? No." Amal said and Knockout smiled. "That sounds like my Amal to me." Knockout said while grabbing towel and wiping her face while the girl sighed heavily.
The door suddenly opened and Amal looked up to see Shockwave's one eyed holoform come through and she lit up. "Hi Shock's!" She said, smiling slightly. Shockwave looked surprised.
"Amalgamous, you are awake." He said as he approached her and Knockout put a hand on her hip. "And where have you been? You leave for one second and she wakes up so I had to rip that tub out quick before she chocked to death." Knockout told the scientist and blew a piece of hair out of her face.
"Reporting to Lord Megatron, he required me." Shockwave told the medic and Amal frowned. "What'd he need you for?" She asked as the scientist looked at her.
"For the attack on the Autobots."
"Amal! Amal! Stop, you're wires still aren't adjusted to your body, they might—" Amal winced as she swung her legs over the bed and placed her feet on the floor. "I'm fine, KO! It's not that hard I just—" as Amal stood up, she waved her arms violently as she tried to walk, but only fell after not even a full step forward.
Shockwave and Knockout quickly grabbed an arm each and pulled her up carefully. Amal smiled sheepishly as she grabbed onto their biceps for support. "Okay, maybe it's not that easy, but that's not the point."
"Amal, you need to lay down and rest! You're muscles need to adjust to the metal, or else they'll ache."
"Well I need to get to Megatron. We cannot go through with this attack."
"Why not?"
Amal looked surprised which Knockout noticed. "Yea, I have an opinion on this one, Amalgamous. They almost killed you. Honestly, I want them to know the pain they caused us."
Amal narrowed her eyes. "No. Take me to Megatron." Knockout knew she was serious because she was using the Warlord's real name instead of the many nicknames she gave him, but still didn't want to budge. Shockwave watched silently.
"Or I'll go myself."
The medic knew she couldn't let her because she would do damage to her new body, and she knew she shouldn't try to stop her or they risked damaging the body themselves. So Knockout sighed heavily as she started walking her along.
"Then cmon, you stupid human."
Megatron gazed down at his army, snarling lowly. "Are you ready, my armada?" The troops yelled and cried out in response, determined to help the attack on the Autobots.
"Give the word." Megatron's second in command said with a determined look at the two turned toward where the groundbridge would open. Soundwave glanced at them before glancing back at the camera view that Laserbeak had on the Autobots leading toward their trap.
And as Soundwave went to activate the groundbridge, and voice echoed through the air.
Soundwave stopped and turned quickly as well as all the others in the room. Starscream's optics widened in shock and in happiness while Megatron whispered "Amalgamous." faintly as he saw the girl being held up by Knockout and Shockwave's holoforms.
The girl fell to her knees from her body not being used to what she was given and she breathed out heavily. "Oh man, I'm out of shape." She said as Megatron and Starscream quickly approached her.
"Amalgamous, you're okay!" Starscream said as he transformed into his vehicle mode and activated his holoform quickly with Megatron doing the same. The seeker slid next to her and carefully hugged her.
"Hey Screams, you miss me?" She said with a chuckle as she raised her arms to hug him back, feeling them tremble tremendously as she wrapped her arms around him. "Of course I did." He said as he pulled away and his expression softened as he looked her up and down for a split second.
"What? Did I get a stain on my shirt?" She said and looked down, making the second in command chuckle as the Decepticon leader approached and kneeled next to her.
" look tired."
The warlord smiled as he gently hugged her, breathing in deeply with relief. "Oh, how you never seize to amaze us, Amalgamous." He whispered while trying to hold back his emotions as Amal suddenly remembered why she was here.
"And you never seize to amaze me with how stupid you are!" She exclaimed, suddenly pulling away and leaving Megatron with a confused face.
"Call off the attack."
"Why should I?"
"Because it's not right, Megatron." Amal said seriously as she struggled to her feet. The warlord grabbed her forearms as Knockout held her waist to keep her steady. "They caused you pain, us pain. They have to know what we felt."
"Megs, they don't know you felt this way because they don't know I exist." Amal softened her expression. "Megatron, whoever fired that blast meant for it to go somewhere else. Not in a humans body. They don't even know I exist with you guys, so why should they be punished for something they do not know of?" Amal asked as she gazed at the screen as the Autobots realized their 'big discovery of Energon' was incorrect.
Megatron glanced at it and sighed as he gently squeezed her forearms and thought. Amal squeezes his back with a small smile as he looked up at her.
"Please? For me?" She whispered and Megatron sighed before hugging her again and nodding.
"Only for you, Amalgamous. Only for the one person I care about."

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...