Chapter 124

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"You have my attention, human."

The white haired girl smirked as she placed a hand on her hip. "While studying the Autobots and Decepticons, we came across a formula they overlooked for a certain type of Energon. Synthetic to be exact. If we're able to perfect it, and finds a means to inject it into your planet, you'll be able to rule it no problem with it supporting life."

Unicron hummed, placing his digits on his chin. "A very impressive plan, but I believe we need to do more." The three humans frowned and glanced at each other for a moment. "What do you mean, master?" Poet asked as Unicron faced out of the window.

"My father still lives at the core of Cybertron, waiting to be revived by the Prime. If we try to revive my dead planet soon, Primus will simply cast me out again."

"So, what will we do to destroy him?" The black haired girl asked and Unicron grinned. "I believe I have a quite brilliant idea..." he said as he looked back at them.

"We shall continue with your plan of the synthetic Energon, and when the time is right—"

Unicron began toward the door to leave, the humans following.

"—we shall strike Primus."

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