"Fowler left to go get my mom. He should be back in about an hour."
Ratchet sighed angrily. "I don't know if Amalgamous has an hour." He said before breathing out heavily. "We're gonna have to restart her heart out here for now." He said quietly before grabbing his equipment.
"Do what now?"
"We'll restart her heart to keep her alive for just a bit of time before we can go in and figure out what happened. She was doing fine until..." Ratchet trailed off and shook his head as he cleaned off the equipment. "Don't we need her spark working too?"
Ratchet nodded. "But, we cannot do that right now because it will immediately wake her up and we need her to be out if we want to figure out what went wrong. Something else caused this heart attack." Ratchet said as he set down his equipment and reached over Amal, tearing her shirt.
"Now help me save her life."
June gazed around, suddenly feeling foolish as she watched the minutes tick by. She had stupidly went out on an anonymous tip to go to the middle of nowhere for what? Nothing it seemed. She breathed out.
"You're an idiot, June." She whispered before a familiar sound came from behind. She turned, gasping as she saw the rainbow portal she knew so well opening slowly with a person walking through.
"June." Fowler said cooly and she breathed out a sigh of relief before running up to the man and hugging him. "Good to see you too, but we need to get going." Fowler said, pulling away. June frowned as she saw the worry in his eyes.
"Why?" She asked worriedly and Fowler turned.
"Amalgamous's life depends on it."
Jack kicked the garbage cans outside angrily, sending them flying down the alley. He breathed out heavily, clenching his cybernetic fist. "Fuck." He whispered and sat down angrily.
He thought to himself, biting his lip nervously. Even if they did get June here in time, nobody had AB negative blood, and this operation was going to be risky. It had never been done before, they were going to be going off pure luck.
"Something bother you, little one?" A voice above him asked and Jack looked up to see an old lady standing there. "My friend...she's dying." He told her and the lady looked sad at him.
"I can help. I'm nurse. What is wrong?" She asked and Jack stood up quickly. "She needs blood, do you know anybody with AB negative." The lady smiled and motioned for him to follow as she began to walk down the alley.
Jack quickly followed. "What is her name?" The little old lady asked. "Amalgamous." He said. "Oh, I know Amal. Sweet little girl, hungry little girl. She goes through food like no tomorrow." She said and Jack smiled.
"That sounds like her." He said before they stopped at a little house and the little lady went in for a minute before coming out with a plastic bag. She gently put it in his palm and patted the top of his hand before giving it a squeeze.
"Tell her when she is better, it is from Lisa."
Jack nodded, looking down into the bag before gasping. "Thank you." He whispered and the old lady turned her cheek to him and Jack didn't hesitate to kiss it before she shooed him off, watching him go with a smile on her face.
"Ratchet! Ratchet! I got it!"
Ratchet turned, a sweat forming on his forehead faintly from the stress of the situation. Jack appeared in the doorway, panting slightly and holding up a bag. "What did you get?" Ratchet asked, confused as he walked up and looked into the bag before gasping.
"The blood. A nurse from the village gave it. She said she helped people long ago." Jack explained as Ratchet hurriedly took it. "Oh, thank the allspark." He whispered as Optimus approached.
"Jack, I need you to go to another room for the time being, until the surgery is done." Optimus told him and Jack frowned. "I thought you guys need my help?" He asked and Optimus sighed. "Fowler contacted us and told us he would be arriving in the next few minutes with your mother—" Jack's heart leapt happily before Optimus's next words.
"But, as selfish as this sounds, we can't have you see her yet."
Those words crushed Jack's heart in an instant, and he almost said something angrily but stopped himself. He thought to himself, knowing that if his mom saw him, she'd be worried for him, and want to check over him, just as any mother would do if her child went missing for over a week.
And he knew Amal's life was worth more than getting a hug sooner from his mom.
Jack nodded. "I understand what you're trying to say Optimus. I'll go keep myself occupied." He said and Optimus smiled gently as Ratchet appeared next to him and began to hook up his arm so he could give Amal Energon.
"Thank you, Jack."
"June!" Bulkhead said happily. June smiled and greeted both him and Arcee with a quick hug, a wave of relief falling over her. "Good to see you two." She said before going past them, quickly following Fowler. "Where's a sink?" She asked and Fowler stopped and opened a bathroom.
"Go get me gloves." She ordered and Fowler quickly ran off as she urgently washed her hands. When the Agent returned, she raised her hands up and Fowler put in her gloves quickly and carefully before she walked out with her hands still raised and Fowler lead her to the room before opening the door.
June walked in quickly, seeing Ratchet's holoform standing over a bed with Optimus's sitting next to it, hooked up with Energon flowing from him into the tube, connected to the girl lying in the bed.
"June." Ratchet breathed out in a sigh of relief. Shockwave has never felt so happy to see a human in his life as he approached from behind Ratchet, nodding to her. June nodded back as he approached them and studied the tools laying next to the bed and sighed before looking at the blonde haired girl laying on the bed.
"Mask." She said and Fowler quickly grabbed one and put it over her head. She pulled it up urgently before holding out her palm and looking at the girl's body.

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...