The Predacon practically tackled the human girl, but in a gentler way where he wouldn't end up crushing her. He bounced around her happily, letting out short roars and snorts to show his enthusiasm for seeing his carrier figure.
"Stand down, Autobots. A false alarm." Megatron said as he powered down his canon and folded his arms across his chassis.
"False alarm?! That's a—a—"
"Predacon!" Ratchet finished for Arcee in awe while he stepped forward. "They've been extinct since the beginning of Cybertron history! It can't be real—" "it can be real with Decepticon engineering." Megatron told Ratchet as he begin to approach the Predacon and human girl communicating to each other to catch up.
"Shockwave did this?" Arcee asked in disbelief. "He is one hell of a scientist, to say the least." Megatron told them. Optimus was surprisingly quiet as he stared at the ancient creature.
All he could think of was how all his life, he had been told that the creatures of their history were fierce, dangerous, and untamable. And yet here he was, watching a human girl play with one as if it were a puppy.
"General, you may stand down." Optimus said suddenly to the human. The General hesitated before giving the order to his men, who lowered their weapons and started to power down their defense mechanisms.
"Oh my sweet boy, mama's missed you." Amal said, hugging Predaking's helm. Megatron approached them and Predaking lifted his head from Amal's grasped to greet the Warlord with a squawk. Megatron returned it with a pat to his helm as his second in command approached next to him and greeted him too.
The Decepticon leader looked at the Autobots and motioned him. "He is completely harmless." He told them. "Like we're supposed to believe that while he's under your control." Arcee snapped back and Starscream rolled his optics. Megatron raised his optics ridges. "My control?"
"Who's else's?"
"Arcee..." Optimus said slowly while resting a servo on her shoulder pad. "Then why don't I demonstrate that, if you're so keen on it?" Megatron said while turning to the Predacon. The Autobots suddenly tensed up and Ratchet gave Arcee a look.
The ancient creature looked down at the Warlord, cocking his helm. The Warlord smirked before pointing to the Autobots.
Arcee and Optimus whipped out their blasters, readying them up, preparing themselves for a battle.
Only to have the Predacon cock his helm at them while swishing his tail. He looked unsure, almost questioning before his gaze suddenly averted down to Amal and he leaned his helm down while making a few chirps.
Amal rolled her eyes. "No. Megs is just being dumb. They're our friends." Amal said to the Predacon and he nodded his giant helm. Megatron chuckled while turning to the Autobots.
"You Autobots assume too quickly."
The Autobots slowly relaxed while lowering their blasters to their side. "This doesn't make sense." Arcee said. "What? That my scientist makes a beast that I don't control? That is understandable thought, but it was not in my control."
"So, if you don't control it—?" Ratchet asked with a frown. Megatron smirked and looked down at the Predacon nudging the blonde haired girl that was speaking to him excitedly. The Autobots gaped.
"Predaking is my baby, he wouldn't hurt a fly! Well, maybe, but that's not the point. He doesn't hurt unless on command." Amalgamous told the Autobots while crossing her arms. "Optimus Prime, I can handle taking in another human, bringing the Decepticons in the base, and being dragged to this place. But bringing a Predacon back to base? You've gotta be mad to do that." Arcee told the Autobot leader.
Optimus looked at her, cocking an optic ridge a little. "You're joking. Please tell me you're joking." The motorcycle begged, dropping her arms next to her side. The Autobot leader looked at Amal, who stood on Megatron's shoulder pad.
"Amalgamous, do you trust the Predacon?"
"I do."
"How can that be?" Ratchet mumbled, rubbing his helm. Amal looked at Predaking, who was sitting nicely in the field of the Pentagon base, waiting for Amal to come back. "Because I raised him." She told them and they looked surprised.
Amal nodded while looking back at them. "When Shockwave took him out of the chamber he was created in, he had some miscalculations and he was born...tiny!" She told them and they frowned in confusion. Megatron rolled his optics. "He was a sparkling." He translated and the Autobots nodded.
"And since sparklings crave a mother figure and we had no femme's willing to on the ship..." Starscream said while motioning to Amal. Arcee stared in disbelief. "So you...mothered a Predacon?" She asked in shock. Amal nodded.
"I wasn't joking when I said he's my baby."
Optimus nodded his helm. "Then I think that answers our question of trust." He said while looking at the femme Autobot. She sighed and nodded understandingly. Amal frowned.
"How does that answer your question?" She asked, confused. "Cybertronians form a strong bond with their carrier figure. It's almost impossible to go against on that has raised you since birth." Megatron explained while Optimus stole a glance at him that he didn't notice.
"Ohhhh." Amal nodded her head. "So, he can come back to the base with us? Please?" Amal looked at the Autobot leader, giving her best puppy dog eyes.
The Prime smiled gently and nodded as a call from Bumblebee came in suddenly.

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...