Bumblebee stared at the radar as his optics whirred and he squinted at it. It beeped slowly over two small spots that had shown up a few minutes ago, and he was unsure of what it was.
"What're you staring at?"
"The dots."
Bulkhead looked at it. "What about it? Are they Energon?" The wrecker asked. Bumblebee shook his head. "That little of Energon wouldn't show up like that." Bumblebee said as he typed on the computer, making it zoom into one of the dots then to the other one with surprised optics.
"Cybertronians?" Knockout said from behind. "Friendly?" Breakdown approached next to his sparkmate. "What's your definition of friendly?" Bulkhead asked as he glanced at the Decepticons. Bumblebee whacked his side and narrowed his optics.
"We're on the same team at the moment, so hopefully someone just looking to fight." Knockout's muffled voice from the floor said as Shockwave and Soundwave entered the room. "Should we go after them?" Bulkhead asked as he looked at Bumblebee and the other Cybertronians followed suite.
"Why is everyone looking at me?"
"Would Optimus really let a Decepticon or a wrecker be in charge?" Knockout asked as she crossed her arms and cocked an optic ridge. Bumblebee looked at Bulkhead, who just nodded in agreement to the medics statement.
"How's the groundbridge?"
"It can only go for about around a hundred miles. Anymore might fry it again, and we don't need that happening." Knockout told the scout, appearing from the floor. Breakdown extended his servo to her, which she took, and he pulled her out swiftly.
Bumblebee vented out before typing in the coordinates. "Breakdown, with me. Bulk, man the ground bridge." Bumblebee said and Breakdown smirked. "Oh let's hope they put up a fight, I've been itching to smash some metal." Breakdown said before winking at Knockout without anyone noticing. Knockout punched him in the arm and he laughed as the ground bridge opened.
Bumblebee started toward it, and Breakdown as well after hugging his sparkmate goodbye. Bumblebee stopped and soon Breakdown stopped next to him. The scout glanced up at him and his optics whirred.
"I can't be the only one finding this weird."
Breakdown chuckled before continuing forward.
"Trust me. You're not, kid."
"Prime, Megatron."
The Warlord and the Prime looked up to see Fowler standing in front of two large doors. "Agent Fowler." Optimus said with a puzzled look on his face. "I wouldn't call you down here if it wasn't so important, but you need to look at this."
Fowler opened the doors and almost all the heads in the room all turned, some people glancing up from their work places, as if scared to meet the Cybertronians eyes. They shrugged it off and followed Agent Fowler to a man sitting at the end of a long table, staring up at the large screen covering an entire wall.
"Agent Fowler." The man grunted as he shifted his gaze to them. Optimus immediately recognized the uniform he wore, heavily decorated from all he had served. "Optimus Prime." The Autobot leader held out his hand as the man stood up.
"General Davis Sandler." The man grabbed his hand and shook it. Megatron extended his hand and the man shook it. "Megatron." He said and the man looked at the screen after letting go of the Warlord's hand.
"What do got, sir?" Fowler asked and they all finally gazed up at the giant screen. It showed two dots on the map beeping steadily, with one of them moving closer and closer to their location. "Something big, and something fast. It's closing in fast. We have men and weapons on standby, and once it gets close, we can lock onto it if it refuses to stand down." Sandler said and they zoomed in on the fast moving dot.
"The Autobots and Decepticons can be prepared in case of an attack."
Sandler looked at the Agent and then glanced at the Autobot and Decepticon leaders. Optimus spoke up. "I know you are unsure of us, but I promise you our presence here is nothing more than to protect you in these dark times. We wish for no harm to come to humans." The Prime's spark beat quick as he was worried of the General's response.
He suddenly nodded, taking Fowler and the two Cybertronians by surprise.
"Then what're you waiting around here for?"

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...